Estimado Marco;
You may be able to use ogr2ogr to convert from your longitude and
latitude into some type of projected coordinate system like UTM.
What exactly does your data look like? Is it ASCII points, or...?
I find the documentation for ogr2ogr to be a bit challenging. You will
need to re
I have some Coordinates with Lenght and Latitude, but i have the problem when i
try to convert it in X and Y Coordinates, i want to make a graph with SVG,
someone know how i can do it?
From your description it seems that the hotspot points represent
individual fires rather than locations around the periphery of
hotspots. Just in case the latter is true it seems like a potential
route would be to dissolve/union all points that relate to a single
fire, then calculat
Interesting problem...
I don't have an concrete answer or SQL to provide - but I have some
helpful suggestions (as usual 8^)
Your use of buffer is not a problem - buffering points is fast.
Essentially what you are wanting to do is to compute the transitive
closure of the "intersects" graph o
I was not looking for a centroid/minimum bounding circle solution,
which, of course, would be the more precise approach. For my limited
purposes I was happy with zip/ZCTA extents (bounding box based on the
min and max lats and longs of the points defining the polygon) and Lee
Keel graciousl
Hi there,
I am new to this list (and to postgis). I'd really appreciate some help
with this problem (in my attempt to transfer this existing process from
ESRI to PostGIS).
I have a table containing points (hpt_test) representing wildfire
hotspot locations, and I would like to create fire perimete
It appears that the pgsql2shp tool does not write out .prj files
alongside shp output?
After I dump out shapefiles I like to view them in Qgis or Udig and
both like/require .prj files for projection of shapefiles. I know
that you can assign them inside inside either of these apps but it
To get CascadedUnion into PostGIS will require some work to get the JTS
algorithm ported to GEOS, and then exposed in PostGIS (probably via an
enhancement to the existing geomunion function).
We're keen on doing this, but at the moment have to schedule it behind
some other more pressi
Hi Lee,
So here's what I found out.
It is possible to perform the query you are after is a reasonable
amount of time. The trick here lies in the knowledge that
geomunion works well with a small number of geometries. On a 2.0Ghz
server here, I was able to
merge your sample_poly dataset in
On Nov 14, 2007 9:48 AM, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lee,
> Having done some more investigation, I can say that your dataset is a
> poster child for the use of Cascaded Union. This is because it contains
> relatively simple geometries with a very high degree of overlap.
> Cascaded
Having done some more investigation, I can say that your dataset is a
poster child for the use of Cascaded Union. This is because it contains
relatively simple geometries with a very high degree of overlap.
Cascaded Union has the effect of quickly merging and discarding linework
I am just a newbie into PostGIS, but from the SQL code presented I see some
puzzling questions (for me, of course):
1. Although two geometry fields exist in the table, I see constraints just for
one of them (geometria);
2. The SRID and other fields in the table refer to a geographical reference
As promised in a previous Email in this topic, I prepared a new version
of the SQL/MM and Simple Features compliant geometry data types, as
implemented in PostGIS. This new UML Class Diagram shows all the methods
relevant to each of the spatial types, their parameters and return
types. This Diagram
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amrita p
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:35 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: [postgis-users] how can I do query postgis through mapserver.
Hi All,
I want to use query layer function of MapServer with postgi
tashjp - [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
I had a go posting this in the MySQL forum but with no luck...
INSERT INTO RoadNode VALUES ('osgb400029762763', 3, '2005-09-14',
Wouldn't it be :
As suggested earlier by both myself and the most excellent "Regina, Obe", post
the results of running the queries with "EXPLAIN ANALYZE" and show us the DDL
of the tables in question (including indexes and row counts). And I agree with
her assessment of your SQL as being hard to read. Of course,
Thank you both for your help, I have now succeeded in converting to shp and
then to MySQL using pgsql2shp and then shp2mysql.
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:39:39 +0700
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] geometry from postgis to mysql
Try w
Because in ur table the constraint is 2 dimension. U cant store point into ur
table. To store point delete the constraint for two dim.
On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :
>I might have missed something, but I keep looking at it and can't
>understand why the following keeps thro
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