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Ravi schrieb:
pl help me install Pgrouting (Shortest Path Dijkstra) on a working PostGIS.
Any document or pointers for the process..
there a better way to do this?
postgis-users mailing list
__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature
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pl help me install Pgrouting (Shortest Path Dijkstra) on a working PostGIS.
Any document or pointers for the process..
Ravi Kumar
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postgis-users mai
Off the top of my head I believe you would do select (myfunc()).*
or (func()).attr1,...
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi,
> This is another slightly off topic, but maybe generally helpful inquiry.
> I have a plpgsql function the does some spatial queries and re
This is another slightly off topic, but maybe generally helpful inquiry.
I have a plpgsql function the does some spatial queries and returns
results using a type like:
CREATE TYPE my_result AS
(attr1 text,
attr2 text,
attr3 text,
distance float,
linkid int);
in t
Thanks! I decided to uninstall and reinstall the database. It was a
little more obvious this time because I was looking for places in the
install that would let be specify where to put the database.
-Steve W.
Paragon Corporation wrote:
Actually that setting I believe was an opt
Make sure you are using:
Try it now...
Bo Coughlin
On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:56 AM, wrote:
> Thanks for you answer Mark,
> but st_linetocurve in my test cases always add a segment at the end or at
> the start of the original curve.
> St_
I am a newbie to PostGIS and have a spatial question.
We have a geographical straight line with equidistant positions along the line.
We need to find the closest point for each position on the line.
I suppose that the obvious way to do this is to solve the closest point problem
for each positi
I think you should look at st_dwithin instead of distance. st_dwithin will will
first compare boundingboxes wich st_distance or distance have no use
of.st_dwithin uses the boundingboxes for each geometriy. Then the performance
is depending on how many vertexes there is in your geometries. Where
Thanks for you answer Mark,
but st_linetocurve in my test cases always add a segment at the end or at
the start of the original curve.
St_linetocurve behaviour in this way is not good for me because I need the
same curves with the same original points ( millimeter differences can be
accepted ).
Mulone wrote:
I'm trying to get all the geometries within a certain radius from a point.
Given that distance doesn't use the index, I added the && BBox operator to
narrow down the problem to a smaller dataset, but the problem is that the
radius is expressed in meters and the BBOX in degrees, but wrote:
the geometry is :
GeomFromText('COMPOUNDCURVE((723702.522 121248.15,723892.918
121297.093),(723892.918 121297.093,724230.191
121220.96),CIRCULARSTRING(724230.191 121220.96,724268.27
121144.826,724251.951 121025.188))')
Then try:
select st_astext( st_linetocurve(
Mark Cave-Ayland-3 wrote:
> Mulone wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I've managed to make this proximity query work:
>> SELECT * FROM planet_osm_polygon
>> way && setsrid(box3d('BOX3D(-6.216 53.300,-6.220 53.304)'), 4326)
>> AND
>> distance( transform( GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT( -6
the geometry is :
GeomFromText('COMPOUNDCURVE((723702.522 121248.15,723892.918
121297.093),(723892.918 121297.093,724230.191
121220.96),CIRCULARSTRING(724230.191 121220.96,724268.27
121144.826,724251.951 121025.188))')
Then try:
select st_astext( st_linetocurve(
Mario Jurcevic wrote:
postgis 1.4 has suport for curved polygons that is great, but not the
functions like st_union,st_intersection.
Is planned that this functions will support curves?
I tried a workarround transofrming curves to lines with:
set_union( st_linetocurve( st_curvetoline(the_g
Paragon Corporation wrote:
Shouldn't be. The -i in shp2pgsql is to use int4 (not the version of psql
or anything of that sort). I don't believe that has changed in a while.
Not quite sure how that would play a role, though could I guess if int
behavior has changed between 8.2/8.4
Ravi wrote:
I succeeded in installing postgis1.4.0 on pgsql8.4.
The readme.txt for postgis1.4.0 installation on pgsql8.4 may be modified
if possible as follows.
Steps to be changed are shown below.
1) Copy the contents of this folder into C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL\8.4 or where you have
Mulone wrote:
Hi guys,
I've managed to make this proximity query work:
SELECT * FROM planet_osm_polygon
way && setsrid(box3d('BOX3D(-6.216 53.300,-6.220 53.304)'), 4326)
distance( transform( GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT( -6.218 53.302 0)'),
32661 ),
transform( way, 32661 ) ) <
postgis 1.4 has suport for curved polygons that is great, but not the
functions like st_union,st_intersection.
Is planned that this functions will support curves?
I tried a workarround transofrming curves to lines with:
set_union( st_linetocurve( st_curvetoline(the_geom) ) ) but the resultin
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