Re: [postgis-users] how obtain the interior parcels

2009-12-10 Thread Fsalas
Thanks , Fred. Yes, I need the list of island polygons i use the ST_NumInteriorRings(), ... but only obtain the number , and i need obtain the list of feature island. How resolve this? regards , salas -Original Message- From: Fred Lehodey To: PostGIS Users Discussion Date: Thu, 1

Re: [postgis-users] how obtain the interior parcels

2009-12-10 Thread Fred Lehodey
Hi Salas, are "interior parcels" islands ? ST_NumInteriorRings(geometry) Return the number of interior rings of the first polygon in the geometry. Return NULL if there is no polygon in the geometry. ST_NumInteriorRing(geometry) Synonym to NumInteriorRings(geometry). The OpenGIS specs are ambiguou

[postgis-users] how obtain the interior parcels

2009-12-10 Thread Fsalas
Hi, I have a table parcels , and I need obtain the list of the only interior parcels, the parcels is not overlap. I test ST_Contains(), ST_Intersects() but the result is not correct. Salas. ___ postgis-users mailing list postgis-users@postgis.refractio

Re: [postgis-users] invalid geometry crashes postgres when trying to use buffer

2009-12-10 Thread Kevin Neufeld
I can't duplicate your crash running the current release. postgis_full_version - POSTGIS="1.4.0" GEOS="3.1.1-CAPI-1.6.0" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 August 2008" USE_STATS (1 row) -- Ke

Re: [postgis-users] shp2pgsql

2009-12-10 Thread pcreso
On a linux platform you can use: shp2pgsql -a [...] | sed 's/text/klassen/g' | psql -d under Windows you can run shp2pgsql -a [...] > file.sql then edit file.sql & do a search/replace on "text" to "klassen" then run psql -d -f file.sql Always assuming the word "text" is only ever used as

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 1.4.1rc2

2009-12-10 Thread Greg Troxel
Mark Cave-Ayland writes: Thanks for the explanations. >> gmake runs >> >> sed 's,MODULE_PATHNAME,$libdir/postgis-1.4,g' >postgis.sql >> >> which results in the installed postgis.sql trying to load >> $libdir/postgis-1.4 like this: > > No, I think you've misunderstood this. The

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 1.4.1rc2

2009-12-10 Thread Mark Cave-Ayland
Greg Troxel wrote: Hi Greg, I'm continuing to work on packaging 1.4.1rc2 for pkgsrc, this time on NetBSD (to avoid Mac shlib oddness until everything else is ok). I am building against postgresql 8.4. I have a few observations/questions: * The postgis library is installed as -rw-r--r-- 1

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 1.4.1rc2

2009-12-10 Thread Greg Troxel
I'm continuing to work on packaging 1.4.1rc2 for pkgsrc, this time on NetBSD (to avoid Mac shlib oddness until everything else is ok). I am building against postgresql 8.4. I have a few observations/questions: * The postgis library is installed as -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 552868 Dec 9 15:4

Re: [postgis-users] shp2pgsql

2009-12-10 Thread Nicolas Gillet - MARKET-IP
Hello, You could temporary rename your database column to match the shape’s column name. Then if your column need to be called “Klassen” for other use, you can rename it back to “Klassen” or whatever name you need. Hope it helps Nicolas. De : postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refrac

Re: [postgis-users] invalid geometry crashes postgres when trying to use buffer

2009-12-10 Thread Christophe Diericx
Thanks a lot, this seems to work fine as a workaround. Anyone know if this exact problem persists in current versions of postgis (could be an incentive to upgrade)? Christophe -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: [mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgi

[postgis-users] shp2pgsql

2009-12-10 Thread MisterX
Hi, my problem is, that i have a database table with two columns with the name klassen ant the_geom. In my shapefile the columns called text and the_geom. Now I want to append the shapefile on the database table, but how can I tell the shapeloader that the column text affiliate to the colum klasse