Re: [postgis-users] Error checking trunk version

2010-09-04 Thread Nicklas Avén
The difference is 1 extra digit in the expected result compared to Andreas result. I get the same result as Andrea on PostGISonline which is 32 bit Ubuntu. The result in "expected" I had from a 64 bit ubuntu box. The isolated number that differs shows in SELECT ST_Y(ST_Endpoint(ST_3DShortestline

Re: [postgis-users] WKTRaster metadata query

2010-09-04 Thread Jorge Arévalo
On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 10:36 PM, Shaun Langley wrote: > I have loaded a bunch of TIFF files into my database, but now I have to > verify that all the pertinant metadata has been preserved.  I want to > compare with the output from gdalinfo; however, only some of the data seems > to be accessible f

[postgis-users] Error checking trunk version

2010-09-04 Thread Andrea Peri
>Indeed there's a minor slighty changes for wmsservers and tickets ones, >but never met for measures before. > >Could you please post the result of your /tmp/pgis_reg_30438/ >test_24_diff > >Tks > >-- >Olivier Of Course. Here the results. *** measures_expectedSat Sep 4 22:30:52 2010 -

Re: [postgis-users] Error checking trunk version

2010-09-04 Thread Olivier Courtin
On Sep 4, 2010, at 10:42 PM, Andrea Peri wrote: Hi Andrea, Compiling the trunk version (r5907) - measures. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg_30438/ test_24_diff) - wmsservers. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg_30438/ test_46_diff) - tickets. failed (diff expected o

[postgis-users] Error checking trunk version

2010-09-04 Thread Andrea Peri
Hi, Compiling the trunk version (r5907) of postgis trunk. In the check phase (make check) I have 3 failed test: - measures. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg_30438/test_24_diff) - wmsservers. failed (diff expected obtained: /tmp/pgis_reg_30438/test_46_diff) - tickets. failed (diff

[postgis-users] WKTRaster metadata query

2010-09-04 Thread Shaun Langley
I have loaded a bunch of TIFF files into my database, but now I have to verify that all the pertinant metadata has been preserved. I want to compare with the output from gdalinfo; however, only some of the data seems to be accessible from within postgres. Is all the information there and I just c

[postgis-users] shp2pgsql control over Z and M loading

2010-09-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi All's, I wondering if anyone has thought about adding more control over the loading of shapes with regard to Z and M values. I thinking about something like adding options to the cli: -z 0|1 -m 0|1 The behavior of these would be if they are not used then the same behavior as now. 0 - w