btw I have two, one with nodes and one with
branches), but I cannot see in the table generated from shp2pgsql any
field (because actually in the shape file there isn't this information):
is there a way to transform it into something readable from one of the
shortest_path functions?
Oh no, thank for this finally I found the .shx it was just the
curiosity of understanding something new :)
Andrea Maschio
Il giorno 29/gen/08, alle ore 00:55, "P Kishor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ha scritto:
On 1/28/08, Andrea Maschio <[EMAI
r similar, even if who provided it said it was
"topologically correct". At this point I am missing what exactly this
means, if not that the rapresented geometry is a network of branches
and nodes.
Andrea Maschio
So the result seems to be actually you can't import Shape files w/out
their indexes.
Thanks a lot
Andrea Maschio
Il giorno 29/gen/08, alle ore 00:27, P Kishor ha scritto:
On 1/28/08, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Actually the SHP and DBF files are "linked" s
Oh, I see. Thanks a lot
Il giorno 28/gen/08, alle ore 17:13, P Kishor ha scritto:
On 1/28/08, Andrea Maschio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all, is it normal that trying to convert a shape into sql with
shp2pgsql I have an error stating that i need the .shx index file?
Is the
Hello all, is it normal that trying to convert a shape into sql with
shp2pgsql I have an error stating that i need the .shx index file? Is
there an option for importing having only the .shp file?
Andrea Maschio
postgis-users mailing
7313232477 35.10309162139895,
138.86892242431625 35.10309162139895))', 4326) AND
intersects("the_geom", GeometryFromText('POLYGON ((138.86892242431625
35.10309162139895, 138.86892242431625 35.69988307952885,
139.90027313232477 35.69988307952885, 139.900273132
Hello everybody, I just joined this mailing list. I'm going to develop
a traffic managing application for my graduation thesis, using postgis
and geoserver. For this i was looking for routing and topology support
in PostGis, that I started to use since a month.
The question is: at which poi