ipt: http://pastebin.com/prWLzEtk:
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Carl Anderson, GISP
postgis-users mailing list
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Have you considered subtracting a buffer around the boundary of each
polygon from itself. Kind of similar to st_buffer with a negative
distance but a good bit more stable.
st_difference(geom,st_buffer(st_boundary(geom),100))) from mypolytable ;
st_buffer(geom,-X) will work until X gets large
You don't need to build topology.
Have you tried something like:
select intersection(intersection (a.shape,b.shape),c.shape) , a.taxpin,
b.taxpin, c.taxpin
from tax.parcel a, tax.parcel b, tax.parcel c
a.taxpin != b.taxpin and
a.taxpin != b.taxpin and
Charlie ,
neither of those polygons are valid
repeating points, self intersecting and the second one is not a closed
Charlie Savage wrote:
This makes sense to me:
SELECT astext(GeomUnion(GeomFromText('POINT(-104 40)'),
GeomFromText('POINT(-105 40)')))
Paul Ramsey wrote:
Perhaps you could try some experiments for us :)
Write a PL/PgSQL function that takes in a linestring and returns a
tupleset of two (or four or eight) bounding boxes, that taken together
cover the linestring. By recursively dividing the master box into
smaller boxes that