[postgis-users] shp2pgsql - bad date formats

2011-04-14 Thread Jeff Dege
I'm trying to load a shapefile into a PostGIS database, using shp2pgsql and psql. It's failing because a couple of the sql insert statements have date fields containing '0'. ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "0" HINT: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting. What I need is

RE: [postgis-users] Merging two features

2007-06-11 Thread Jeff Dege
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Jeff Dege wrote: > > I have a shapefile that contains a few duplicated features. > > > > > > What I would like to do is to merge these duplicate records into a > > single record, containing a union of the separate recor

RE: [postgis-users] Simplify

2007-06-11 Thread Jeff Dege
I haven't used this yet, but the documentation says it's intent is to address the problem you describe. http://www.cartoweb.org/downloads/vertexsimplification/documentation.htm l > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On > Behalf Of Jose Gomez-Dans

[postgis-users] Merging two features

2007-06-08 Thread Jeff Dege
I have a shapefile that contains a few duplicated features. They have identical attribute data, different OGRFeature numbers, and different geometries. I've imported them into PostGIS, but having two different records for the same feature is causing some problems. The schema is simple: CREAT