Re: [postgis-users] about postgis gecode and fuzzy search

2012-03-05 Thread Min Wang
s st,(addy).zip FROM geocode('38 blair mill rod, glenside,pa') As g ) as h where ilike "glenside"; Then if this fails to return a result, you could lookup the city centroid for "glenside, pa" in another table you would need to load. -Steve On 3/5/2012 4:38 PM,

Re: [postgis-users] about postgis gecode and fuzzy search

2012-03-05 Thread Min Wang
pa" in another table you would need to load. -Steve On 3/5/2012 4:38 PM, Min Wang wrote: HI I am new to postgis geocoding. I have installed postgis 2.0 with fuzzy search, and imported the tiger data for usa. Now for geocoding non-exist or some not accurate addresses e.g: 38 blair mill

[postgis-users] about postgis gecode and fuzzy search

2012-03-05 Thread Min Wang
HI I am new to postgis geocoding. I have installed postgis 2.0 with fuzzy search, and imported the tiger data for usa. Now for geocoding non-exist or some not accurate addresses e.g: 38 blair mill rod, glenside, pa its output: SELECT g.rating, ST_X(g.geomout) As lon, ST_Y(g.g

[postgis-users] shp2pgsql segment fault (trunk -r 8924 ) without .shp file

2012-01-26 Thread Min Wang
in ?? () #18 0x in ?? () (gdb) any clue? thanks. Min Wang ___ postgis-users mailing list