boat, count(boat) As number_of_passes
FROM intersections
WHERE ST_GeometryType(geom) = 'ST_LineString'
GROUP BY boat/
Into one (compatible with PG 8.3 by means of sub-queries) performing an
ST_Intersection for those 2 sets
giving me the number of times that line crosses the buff
on Google Earth where the boats are
being tracked in real-time (a pro bono service ;)).
I'll even throw in a "Thanks to Tom van Tilburg" there if you can help
me with the 8.3 construct! ;)
Pedro Doria Meunier
Telf. +351 291 933 006
GSM +351 915 818 823
Skype: pdoriam
On 07/
Elegant :)
Turns out I'm stuck with an old server running PG 8.3 and can't use WITH
clause :D
Thanks Tom!
Pedro Doria Meunier
Telf. +351 291 933 006
GSM +351 915 818 823
Skype: pdoriam
On 07/20/2012 09:03 AM, Tom van Tilburg wrote:
> Hmm, I would still think that, as long as you
> Cheers,
> Tom
Elegant thinking but that would end up in a *single* line, as I only
have the timestamp and (point)geom to work with.
Thanks for your input though :)
Pedro Doria Meunier
Telf. +351 291 933 006
GSM +351 915 818 823
Skype: pdoriam
times that boat has gone past that buoy.
(there *will* be more than 1 rows giving proximity of the object to the
buoy -- need to get rid of those ;) -- since the boat is slow moving
(2-10 knots))
Btw, both tables' geoms srid=4326.
Any help highly appreciated ;)
Pedro Doria Meunier
> postgis-users mailing list
> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
> http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users
Thank you very much Nicolas!
Pedro Doria Meunier
Telf. +351 291 933 006
GSM +351 915 818 823
Skype: pdoriam
I'm trying to select ST_AsText from an array of geometries.
This function doesn't support arrays.
How should I proceed to get the array's geoms as text?
Any help appreciated ;)
Pedro Doria Meunier
Telf. +351 291 933 006
GSM +351 915 818 823
Hash: SHA1
yum install postgis
On 03/07/2011 08:23 AM, Smith Roman wrote:
> Hello,
> Postgis installation on fedora.
> I intend to try out the installation of postgis on fedora. I have
downloaded the postgresql 9 and successfully installed it on
of the 5th chapter PostGIS Manual!
On 11/24/2009 08:58 AM, Maxime van Noppen wrote:
Pedro Doria Meunier wrote:
How does one deal with Postgis geom fields in C++ ?
Google hasn't offered much help so far.
Hi, I know you got a better answer to your problem but just in
, skip encoding formats
select st_x(pt) as x, st_y(pt) as y from mytable where myclause();
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Pedro Doria Meunier
Thank you Paul and John for your ideas. :)
Actually what I'm trying to do is to decode simple POINT geoms...
This is what I'
, so what goes over the
wire is hex strings, but those are easy to turn into binary arrays, in
WKB format, suitable for reading by a number of C++ libraries (like
OGR or GEOG or etc).
On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Pedro Doria Meunier
Hi All,
First off sorry for cross-posting
Hi All,
First off sorry for cross-posting. I'm hoping for a bigger audience... :]
As for my question:
How does one deal with Postgis geom fields in C++ ?
Google hasn't offered much help so far.
I know I can make a "SELECT astext(my_geom) FROM my_table" and after
parsing the resulting text.
SELECT my_label, astext(my_geom_field) AS location FROM my_table";
$myresult = pg_exec($connection, $sql);
for ($i=0; $i
This is an example for POINT geometry, of course. Other types are as
easily managed as this.
Your "interface" would be Google Earth :]
You can of course have some &q
Hash: SHA1
Openstreetmap uses a Mercator projection.
When you specify '100' you're actually saying 'give me everything
within 100 *degrees*'
You should reproject your data to the desired/applicable projection by
means of transf
ogramming I think that with this you can
extrapolate to some other solution ;-)
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
Peter Kukuča wrote:
> Hi Pedro,
> thank you for your reply.
> I cannot use pointn, the line can be up to several hundred
> kilo
transform(p.geometry,srid)) AS thedistance
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
Peter Kukuča wrote:
> Dear sir,
> I am not sure if I am writing to the correct email address. I have
> found a post on the postgis-users formu
angling-over-my-head feeling ...
Best regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
Albe Laurenz wrote:
> Pedro Doria Meunier wrote:
>> My server started spitting this out every second!
>> LOG: could not accept SSL connection: sslv3 alert illegal
ver key in place..
What can I do about it?!
- --
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hash: SHA1
Strk, you're so on the money! :)
Thank you very much! The query now runs in ~40ms :P
I also wish to thank everyone gracious enough to have shared their
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
strk wrote:
ime is a bit stiff, don't you agree? ;-)
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
strk wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:34:21AM +0100, Pedro Doria Meunier
> wrote:
>> Thank you Nicklas for yo
or st_collect ?
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
nicklas.a...@jordogskog.no wrote:
> select st_centroid(st_collect(the_geom)) from thetable group by
> some_groupe_attribute
> if you want the centroid of all points you just leave the
> group-part.
olygon (e.g.
inner points) ...
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
- --
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188
Skype: pdoriam
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
oing to port to.
As for the nearest neighbour on land or water that's pretty straightforward
using a distance query. You'll want to define a field for these objects with
a "safe-radius" value to help you circumvent them ... ;-)
Just some thoughts... :)
Pedro Doria Meunie
current performance *that* would be extremely useful!
Just a thought... ;-)
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351961720188
Skype: pdoriam
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
postgis-users mailing list
es created (gist and projection wise)
Is this a sub-select thing? (Meaning using it bars the use of the indicies...)
All pointers welcome from the gurus out there... ;-)
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351961720188
Skype: pdoriam
Description: This is a
Please see:
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351961720188
Skype: pdoriam
On Thursday 11 December 2008 10:17:24 am Düster Horst wrote:
> Hi
> I played a little bit with pgrouting to build a routing plugin client for
> QGIS. In principle i
vertex and then add the algorithm's result to it (meaning
to the emergency point)
Pedro Doria Meunier
GSM: +351961720188
Skype: pdoriam
On Thursday 11 December 2008 09:50:14 am searchelite wrote:
> Daniel Kastl-2 wrote:
> > As David said: once you selected the nearest vertex t
7.0], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",
0.0], PARAMETER["central_meridian", 0.0], PARAMETER["scale_factor",
1.0], PARAMETER["false_easting", 0.0], PARAMETER["false_northing", 0.0],
UNIT["m", 1.0], AXIS["Easting", EAST], AXIS["Nor
Hi Regina :)
Could you please provide the entry for the spatial_ref_sys table for
this SRID ?
Best regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Obe, Regina wrote:
By the way, are the Google Mercator and WGS84 systems equivalent
No they aren't. I think Google is a mercator meter projection
ver I decide to calculate a pedestrian route it must return all of
the possible segments.
The wrappers themselves don't allow you to do that ...
Pedro Doria Meunier
Fred Lehodey wrote:
Hi Pedro,
you are calculating the route with all roads and only after you are
filtering with the
(srtext column)
With this you can work in metric-based projection and after your done
re-project it back to wgs84 and save it in whatever format you use.
Pedro Doria Meunier.
Davi Pires wrote:
Hi all,
I am developing an application that uses google maps as a front-end
and postgis in the
Leaves me with *holes* in the route.
All of this is, of course, a consequence of my own stupidity and late
hours but I'd surely appreciate if some brave soul could look into it. ;-)
Already thankful in advance,
Pedro Doria Meunier.
Here's an hint: OpenJump ;-)
Pedro Doria Meunier
Joe Larson wrote:
I'm having some trouble loading PostGIS data into MapWindow GIS
Wondering if anyone here may be able to lend a hand to me and others on this
ldn't even be at
the point of discussing pgRouting.
Again, IMHO, this is (thank God) a very open and broad(/bright)-minded
community whose sole purpose is to help each other. Let's not draw hard
borders in a planet that suffers from having them, ok?
Pedro Doria Meunier.
Hi Willy
If everything else fails you might turn to db_link ...
Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
I want to migrate a postgis database from postgis 1.1.6 on debian to
1.3.3 on windows. (i know, i like linux better too)
what's the correct way to go about that?
Will the perl script postgis_restore.pl
You're absolutely right ;-)
Pedro Doria Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 12:25 -0600, Bruce Rindahl wrote:
> After a quick look at the links, couldn't a stored procedure
> (function) be used here? I envision the input is a polyg
spatial index for zone 56
CREATE INDEX myPOITable_32756_idx
ON myPOITable
USING gist
(transform(geometry, 32756));
Note the transform function...
In case you're wondering how did I come up with the 32756 here's a
simple SQL statement to get it:
SELECT srid FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE
Hi Chris,
OpenJump (http://openjump.org/) is your friend there... ;-)
Being Java-based it's cross-platform.
Pedro Doria Meunier
On Wed, 2008-09-10 at 14:05 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi list,
> apologies for an off-topic question, but some of you osgeo wizards
Dear Regina,
You are still my personal PostGIS heroine! :)
That *surely* helped! The revised query ran @~75ms against the former
which ran @~200ms !
About the b_box field... you're right... it's a stupid field name for
the *complex* geometries it contains (like mpolys for Portugal, Spain,
_Intersects checks
> they actually need to do.
> Hope that helps,
> Regina
> -----Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Pedro
> Doria Meunier
> Sent: Sat 8/30/2008 8:16 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: RE: [postgis
Dear Guido,
Thanks for replying.
Your suggested mod actually worsens the performance by another ~15-20ms
Best regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Pedro,
> Try this instead:
> SELECT road_network, toponymy FROM maps AS m WHERE m.b_box &&
k: yes, I've created the correspondent indices using gist.
Is there any way I can work around this or optimize it?
P.S. I'm using PostgreSQL 8.2.9 on x86_64, PostGIS 1.3.3, geos 2.2.3,
proj 4.5.0
Thank you in advance for any insight on the matter.
Pedro Doria Meunier <[E
Shame on me... I should have read Adam's question more attentively ...
Paul is absolutely right.
Pedro Doria Meunier
On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 12:46 -0700, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Well, that's the opposite of the usual point-in-polygon use case
> (given an existing set
vel maps table consists of polygons defining countries
This query returns the correspondent map for the given location so this
should be applicable for your perimeters, which I guess are polygons :)
Pedro Doria Meunier
On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 14:24 -0500, Adam Vande More wrote:
o ... :)
Pedro Doria Meunier
On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 12:12 +0200, danny wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I've converted a shapefile of Europe to PostGIS. I would like to merge
> all the countries together so that I only have one polygon left, the
> whole contour of Europe
> ST_Distance(ST_transform(geometry,$srid),
> ST_transform(ST_geomfromtext('POINT($lon $lat)',4326),$srid))
> LIMIT 1 ;
> Hope that helps,
> Regina
> __
setsrid(expand(transform(geomfromtext('POINT($lon $lat)',4326),
AND distance(transform(geomfromtext('POINT($lon $lat)',4326),$srid),
transform(geometry,$srid)) <=150 AND road_type=67;
Already thankful for any tips,
distance(transform(geomfromtext('POINT($lon $lat)',4326),$srid),
transform(geometry,$srid)) <=150 AND road_type=67;
Already thankful for any tips,
Pedro Doria Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
postgis-users mailing list
number of points that are only inside this
> polygon.
> If I don't have a "link" between the two tables that says like: "where
> polygon.name=point.poly_id"...do I HAVE TO construct a pgsql function to
> loop over all the polygons?
> Is Contains the faste
lement ssl conns...
Just my 2 c ...
Kind regards,
- --
Pedro Doria Meunier
Ips da Olaria
Edf. Jardins do Garajau, 4 r/c Y
9125-163 Caniço
GSM: +351 96 17 20 188 Skype: pdoriam
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using
m using postgis 1.1 on that server (yeah I know... I should
have upgraded by know... ;-) )
The platform it's running under is Fedora 6, 2GB of ram.
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Martin Davis wrote:
> No problem. Actually it's me being blind - I just saw the
> attachment with t
gs way too much processor time.
I've tested with a micro-subset of my data (only one record with a
small parish geometry) and it shows although the slowness is
immediately apparent...
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Dave Page wrote:
> Dave Page wrote:
>> Pedro Doria Meunier wrot
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Daniela Stärke wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some problems with MezoGIS.
> I have installed MezoGIS on my Suse Linux 10 computer with all the
other requirements (like GeoTypes, psycopg, Pycairo, python, PyGTK and
of course PostgreSQL and
... does anyone have problems with this
release candidate in conjunction with pgadmin3?
I'm trying to rule out things here, so please be patient with me :)
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Remi - h
2.8.0 installed.
Thank you for any thoughts!
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Tomas Lanczos wrote:
> Leonardo Mateo wrote:
>> On 6/16/07, Pedro Doria Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
Txs in advance!
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Remi - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Pedro Doria Meunier
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Remi - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Kind regards,
Pedro Doria Meunier
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Remi - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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