Re: [postgis-users] shp2pgsql

2011-02-16 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; I prefer try also on ogr2ogr. You can find it in FwTools, you have to download it from; And can get help from; On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Mehmet Erkek wrote: > Hi everyone, > > > > W

[postgis-users] dwithin or && BBox

2011-02-16 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi List; I have four parameters lat, lon, idlist and bufferlist. In a function I can find if point (lat lon) is in distance within the defined (in idlist) objects my_function(lon double precision, lat double precision, idlist character varying, bufferlist character varying) ... *The query is

Re: [postgis-users] Address Geocoding

2010-04-01 Thread ibrahim saricicek
able > separated by commas, there will be an error. If you are trying to use more > than one table I'm afraid you will need to use a JOIN clause ... > Regards, > > > On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:21 AM, ibrahim saricicek < >> wrote: > &g

Re: [postgis-users] Address Geocoding

2010-03-24 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; for reverse geoceding now using this and works fine; SELECT id, the_geom FROM (roads, settlements, poi, province, etc...) WHERE the_geom && SetSRID('BOX3D(x+0.01 y+0.01, x-0.01 y-0.01)'::box3d, 4326) ORDER BY ST_Distance(the_geom, GeomFromText('POINT(x y)', 4326)) LIMIT 1; regards... On

Re: [postgis-users] OSM2pgsql, OpenStreetMap, MapServer, EPSG:900913, OpenLayers: issue

2010-03-16 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; 1) is your osm data table in Epsg:4326 projection? if so use; "init=epsg:4326" for each layer.. 2) 'grey empty image'?? so you can get map from mapserver? right click on a tile and copy image location. Try the copied url, is there an error? Regards.. On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Mulon

Re: [postgis-users] using postgis with PHP and google maps

2010-02-11 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; dont know how you'll get the coordinates of a path from google maps, but if you get you should use; select st_dwithin((GeomFromText('LINESTRING(x1,y1,...xn,yn)',4326),(your_poi.the_geom),0.001)) limit 5 or select st_intersects(st_buffer((GeomFromText('LINESTRING(x1,y1,...xn,yn)',4326),0.001

Re: [postgis-users] Polygon area in meters

2010-02-09 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; don't know if official spatial reference or not but you may use this one; Regards.. IBO.. ___ postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Polygon area in meters

2010-02-09 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; one method... ST_Distance_Spheroid(point_x, point_y, 'SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563]'); the other method create a new geometry (the_geom_epsg) column ansd find the exaxt EPSG code for your region (i prefer 2321 for middle Turkiye ED50 /TM 33) update table set the_geom_epsg=st_trans

Re: [postgis-users] Union a very big Multipolygon table with self intersections

2010-02-05 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; create a new geometry column use update table set new_column=st_buffer(the_geom,0). IsValid will return true. Then try the union operation.. IBO.. On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 12:46 AM, Javier de la Torre wrote: > Hi all, > > I have a table with a MULTIPOLYGON field with around 100k records. Som

Re: [postgis-users] digit problem about sql file.

2010-02-03 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; use round function SELECT round(4.1255545487878546, 4); result---> 4.1256 Regards... On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Hyung Joo Lee wrote: > Hi all. > > I have a question about the decimal of shapefile that was created in > Arcgis. > > The file I have defined the coordinates of the coordin

Re: [postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-27 Thread ibrahim saricicek
ST_Intersects(poi.the_geom, province.the_geom) > > > > Leo > > -- > *From:* [mailto: >] *On Behalf Of *ibrahim > saricicek > *Sent:* Tuesday, January 26, 2010 10:32 AM &

Re: [postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-26 Thread ibrahim saricicek
>> >> >> Gr >> >> Ralf >> >> >> >> *Von:* [mailto: >>] *Im Auftrag von *ibrahim >> saricicek >> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010 1

Re: [postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-26 Thread ibrahim saricicek
ts(poi.the_geom, > province.the_geom)=True group by province.ogc_fid > ) > > > On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 10:26 AM, ibrahim saricicek < >> wrote: > >> Hi all, >> >> Thanks, understand. >> >> Ok, is there another way to update poi's

Re: [postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-26 Thread ibrahim saricicek
he mistake, execute a subselect {{{ select* province.ogc_fid from > province,poi where intersects(poi.the_geom, province.the_geom)=True group by > province.ogc_fid* }} and check the number of rows in the resultset. > > > > > On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 9:57 AM, ibrahim saricicek < > i

Re: [postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-26 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi all, I have two tables; provinces an points of interests. I wanna update province_id column with st_intersects function.. My sql; update poi set province_id=( select province.ogc_fid from province,poi where intersects(poi.the_geom, province.the_geom)=True group by province.ogc_fid ) The mess

[postgis-users] update an st_intersects

2010-01-26 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi all, I have two table provinces an points of interests. I wanna update province_id column with st_intersects function.. My sql; update poi set province_id=( select from province,poi where intersects(poi.the_geom, province.the_geom)=True gro

Re: [postgis-users] ST_distance in meters

2010-01-22 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; For 4326 projection distance unit is in degrees. Google maps use 900913 projection code, and units for this projection. To get the same distance calculation; firstly add 900913 projection to spatial_ref_sys table. Then use this query select st_distance(st_transform(tableA.colB,900913),st_tra

Re: [postgis-users] database transformation

2010-01-21 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi; Create a new geometry column "the_geom_3763" then run this UPDATE table_name SET the_geom_3763=transform(the_geom,3763), (You have now one table data in two projections. Then if you want, change the geometry column names "the_geom, the_geom_27492".) !!! don't forget to update also gemetry_

Re: [postgis-users] Questions about using SRID not -1

2010-01-20 Thread ibrahim saricicek
t explicit SRID, they cannot > be processed later for asigning a proper SRID. > It is strange at first sightbut I'm a newbie so I don't know much about > this. > Regards, > Oscar > > On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 6:27 AM, ibrahim saricicek < > ibrahimsaric

Re: [postgis-users] Questions about using SRID not -1

2010-01-19 Thread ibrahim saricicek
Hi, Your table include objects, more than one projection.. So if there is any object in different projection you can't set your table projection to 4326... can you try this!! Create a new geometry column "the_geom_4326" then run this UPDATE table_name SET the_geom_4326=transform(the_geom,4326

Re: [postgis-users] st_buffer (radius_of_buffer)

2010-01-19 Thread ibrahim saricicek
00FEFF3D40FDFF334002003F4001003540FEFF3F40FEFF3540 > equals| f > st_intersects | t > st_intersects | f > > > Notice how your geometry, when transform to 900913 and back to 4326 looks > the same in text, but are in

[postgis-users] st_buffer (radius_of_buffer)

2010-01-18 Thread ibrahim saricicek
hi all; I think 0.0 of radius means the object itself? Am i wrong? I'm inserting a row to my route table insert into route (the_geom) select st_transform(ST_GeomFromText('SRID=4326;multilinestring((30 20,31 21,32 22))'),900913) why the result of this is false? that is a point on my route. what