Re: [postgis-users] Convert from 3067 to 2393

2011-03-07 Thread Pena Kupen
I add +towgs4 to proj4text, conversion is working ok with sql below. Thank's for your help and clarifying this! -- AJL Ralf Suhr [] kirjoitti: Hi Pena, changing proj4text is almost save. EPSG:31467 as example have more then 3 different towgs84. A better transformation

Re: [postgis-users] Convert from 3067 to 2393

2011-03-04 Thread Ralf Suhr
Hi Pena, first verify EPSG:2393 is set with correct towgs84 parameters in spatial_ref_sys ( Because the destination EPSG is not based on WGS84 ellipsoid you have to transform twice: ST_Transform( ST_Transform( POINT_FROM_3067, 4326), 2393) Gr R

[postgis-users] Convert from 3067 to 2393

2011-03-04 Thread Pena Kupen
Hello all, I try to do some conversion between different coordinates (3067 to 2393 ) without saving them to database. My sql is following: select x(ST_Transform(tbl.p,2393)), y(ST_Transform(tbl.p,2393)) from (select GeomFromText('POINT(108043 6683685)',3067) as p) as tbl result: 3107866.533 66