Re: [postgis-users] ERROR: Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs (again)

2011-02-14 Thread Nicklas Avén
Hallo You have two problems here first You don't transform the geometr to another srid with set_srid, you just tell what srid the geometry has. use ST_Transform instead second. Do your transformation into a new table or at least into a new column to don't get in trouble with srid-constraints.

[postgis-users] ERROR: Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs (again)

2011-02-14 Thread Farrukh Najmi
I have a table GeometryValueType with column of type geometry and name geometry. From advice received on a previous thread on this list I have made sure that all data in geometry column has the same SRID. Currently them SRID is 4326 (EPSG:4326). I would now like to transform all values ion the