>> Now, trying to import it with:
>>shp2pgsql -s EPSG:26191 -I -D morocco.shp morocco> morocco.sql
>>psql -U my_database< morocco.sql
> Hi Stefan,
> The SRID argument to shp2pgsql should just be a plain numeric field, and not
> have the EPSG prefix in front of it,
On 07/11/11 14:07, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
Now, trying to import it with:
shp2pgsql -s EPSG:26191 -I -D morocco.shp morocco> morocco.sql
psql -U my_database< morocco.sql
Hi Stefan,
The SRID argument to shp2pgsql should just be a plain numeric field, and
not have the E
On 7 November 2011 15:07, Stefan Schwarzer wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am somewhat fighting with the projection of my file.
> I have a file for Morocco, which, after ArcMap, has the following projection:
> Projected Coordinate System: zone1
> Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Con
Hi there,
I am somewhat fighting with the projection of my file.
I have a file for Morocco, which, after ArcMap, has the following projection:
Projected Coordinate System: zone1
Projection: Lambert_Conformal_Conic
False_Easting: 50.
You have two problems here
You don't transform the geometr to another srid with set_srid, you just
tell what srid the geometry has.
use ST_Transform instead
Do your transformation into a new table or at least into a new column to
don't get in trouble with srid-constraints.
I have a table GeometryValueType with column of type geometry and name
From advice received on a previous thread on this list I have made sure
that all data in geometry column has the same SRID.
Currently them SRID is 4326 (EPSG:4326). I would now like to transform
all values ion the
What do you get when you issue this query?
SELECT ST_SRID(the_geom), count(*)
FROM "public"."kanagawa"
-- Kevin
Andrea Maschio wrote:
Hello, while trying to dome this query in geoserver, I've got the
following error: ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different
Hello, while trying to dome this query in geoserver, I've got the
following error: ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different
SRIDs. My kanagawa table (downloaded from pgrouting sample app, was
registered in geometry column with SRID 4326(manually by me). I cannot
understand what's happe