Re: [postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring

2009-08-01 Thread Paragon Corporation
Saturday, August 01, 2009 3:05 AM To: Subject: Re: [postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring Hi kevin As you suggested, I tried to find the closest points but it did not worked for me. May be I need more he

Re: [postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring

2009-08-01 Thread Thilani
Hi kevin As you suggested, I tried to find the closest points but it did not worked for me. May be I need more help from you. This is what I tried, e.g. select ST_line_locate_point(ST_geomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 49 49, 51 51, 100 100)'), ST_GeomFromText('POINT(50 50)')) What I

Re: [postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring

2009-07-20 Thread Thilani Imalka
Thanks a lot.I will try with this and let you know the result. Thilani On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Kevin Neufeld wrote: > If I understand you correctly, you could first find the 2-point line segment > within your multilinestring that is within some tolerable distance to your > intersection p

Re: [postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring

2009-07-20 Thread Kevin Neufeld
If I understand you correctly, you could first find the 2-point line segment within your multilinestring that is within some tolerable distance to your intersection point. The endpoints of the linesegment would be vertices closest to your intersection point. Here's an old way of extracting th

[postgis-users] How to get the nearest point for a given point from a geometry of multilinestring

2009-07-20 Thread Thilani Imalka
We used ST_Intersection function to get the cross point when roads are crossing each other. So with the output of this function we have the crossing point and now we need to get adjacent points to that crossing point from the road (where the road is a geometry of multilinestring).Is there any post