Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-16 Thread Luís de Sousa
Hello everyone, I finally found out what was wrong, in PostGis 1.4 the EPSG 3763 srid is ill defined or incomplete. Basically it is missing the 'towgs84=0,0,0' parameter, though in my understanding it isn't used during a grids transformation. Please see the attached log. This is bewildering. I

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-15 Thread Luís de Sousa
Hello everyone, I have tried to sort this issue in several ways, checking the correct projection settings, trying other installations of PostGis but the problem remains: PostGis seems unable to use the proj files for the grid transformation method. Is this a bug that should be reported? How can

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-15 Thread Mike Toews
The problem is probably with the grid files and proj.4. Is there any way to download the GSB files for testing? You can test with cs2cs to see if the proj4 string works or not. For example, with Canada's NTv2 grid file, I can test to see if I installed it correctly: cs2cs -v +proj=latlong

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-14 Thread Luís de Sousa
Hello again, I have tested this procedure in another PostGIS 1.4 install on Debian. The results are exactly the same as on Ubuntu. Is there any way I can test the usage of grid files? Some sort of standard test procedure? Thank you, Luís 2010/6/9 Luís de Sousa

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-09 Thread Luís de Sousa
Dear Frank, Thank you for your message, please read my comments below: A few suggestions: * The +nadgrids= directive can include a full path if you want to be certain that path issues are not coming into play. I tried this first, the result is exactly the same. * If you can ensure that

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-09 Thread Fred Lehodey
Hi, just a note: we have no problem using the same grids in OS Windows. (tested with Postgres 8.4 and Postgis 1.4 or 1.5) HTH, Fred. 2010/6/9 Luís de Sousa Dear Frank, Thank you for your message, please read my comments below: A few suggestions: * The

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-09 Thread Frank Warmerdam
Luís de Sousa wrote: Before I go, I just want to make sure that in principle PostGis should be able to use the grid files simply by the indication of its location, no additional configurations needed. Is this correct? Luís, I believe it should work fine with no special configuration. Best

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-09 Thread Luís de Sousa
Dear all, I'm having the same results with the GISVM. It can provide an easy way to reproduce this behaviour, here's how: 1. Download the latest GISVM from: 2. Run it either with

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-09 Thread Mike Toews
2010/6/9 Luís de Sousa template_postgis=# UPDATE spatial_ref_sys template_postgis-# SET proj4text = '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66 +lon_0=1 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +pm=lisbon +units=m +no_defs +nadgrids=ptLX_e89.gsb' template_postgis-# WHERE srid =

[postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-08 Thread Luís de Sousa
Hello everyone, I'm trying to convert a series of spatial features from one SRS to another within PostGIS. Both are local systems for continental Portugal, for which a set of grid definition files have been made available by the University of Oporto. I downloaded these grid files and copied them

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-08 Thread Francis Markham
I would also be interested in the answer to this question. Currently I export PostGIS data to shapefiles and use ogr2ogr to transform, if a grid shift is required. Perhaps the solution to this problem could be documented on the ST_Transform() page in the PostGIS manual? Cheers, Francis

Re: [postgis-users] Using grids transformation method with PostGis

2010-06-08 Thread Frank Warmerdam
Luís de Sousa wrote: Hello everyone, I'm trying to convert a series of spatial features from one SRS to another within PostGIS. Both are local systems for continental Portugal, for which a set of grid definition files have been made available by the University of Oporto. I downloaded these grid