Hi All's,

I wondering if anyone has thought about adding more control over the loading of shapes with regard to Z and M values. I thinking about something like adding options to the cli:

-z 0|1
-m 0|1

The behavior of these would be if they are not used then the same behavior as now.

0 - would force that dimension off regardless of the shape data
1 - would force adding that dimension regardless of the shape data and
    if the shape does not include that dimension it would default to 0.0

In addition, the_geom column would be created with the exact dimensions used:

2 - x,y
3 - x,y,z
3 - x,y,m
4 - x,y,z,m

I assume this is possible.

Currently shp2pgsql always creates dims=4 for an ArcZ shapefile and it seems like it should be create dims=3 since it is not using the M.

The motivation behind this is saving space on large data sets. I have a 33 GB shapefile data set in Arc, which grows to 36 GB for ArcZ. I assume, maybe wrongly, that loading this will add the equivalent to 3 GB more for the M dimension in the database. While this 10% waste is not horrid, it will impact performance and data transfer time and this is getting used in a web application.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Anyone interested in tackling this?

-Steve W
postgis-users mailing list

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