Just ran across this and it appears no one else responded.

You could set up a Mail Filter (under the PowerMail Setup menu) that would copy 
anything that is headed for the Spam folder into a new folder you create at the 
top of the folder list. Since the folder list is alphanumeric, a folder named 
"0 Spam" would show up just under the Out Tray. (I use numbers at the start of 
the folder name to force a specific ordering of a number of folders.)

You may already have a "Spam: actions" filter that moves things into the Spam 
folder. If so, just edit this to move Spam into the "0 Spam" (or whatever name 
you use) folder instead.

My "Spam: actions" filter has these settings:
- Filter incoming message is checked
- Conditions: Spam rating is high (Note: there is a previous "Spam: evaluate" 
Filter that evaluates incoming messages for spam)
- Actions:
    - Move message into folder: Spam (change this to your new spam folder)
    - Don't notify new message
    - Don't index message content

Note that I do not know exactly how SpamSieve and PowerMail interact, but since 
PowerMail can display the SpamSieve spam rating, I assume these filters would 
use that.

Good luck.

- Winston

Frank Mitchell wrote:

>Just updated to Spam Sieve 2.9.20 and the release notes say that the
>Spam folder can be relocated to the top of the folder list. Presumably
>this is for those using Apple Mail.
>But I am using Power Mail 6.2.1 and unable to make this work.
>It's not a big deal, of course, but is there a way to do this with Power
>Mail or have I not found it yet?
>iMac with OSX 10.10.3
>-- Frank Mitchell, Scottsdale, Arizona

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