Dear PowerMail-discuss and PowerMail-announce list members,

CTM Development is pleased to announce the release of

>> PowerMail 6.0.4
> <>

Latest news:
- Search speed optimizations
- Updated build system - performance gains
- 64-bit Spotlight & FoxTrot Search plugin
- 64-bit QuickLook plugin-
- Fixed a possible corruption of the SpamSieve scripts
- Disk image updated to include SpamSieve 2.8.1
- Fixed a bug in the German localization

Download PowerMail as well as the new FoxTrot 2.6 Pro, Server and
Personal Search from:


If you currently own the current major release for any of these
products, these updates are free to you.

If you wish to side-grade products, upgrade from an earlier version or
upgrade to a higher level of features (i.e. to FoxTrot Professional
multi-user and Search Server), enjoy our new lower pricing (due to the
Euro currency drop) from:


Registered users: look for a registered user discount coupon in your e-
mail soon.

Kind regards,

the CTM Development / FoxTrot and PowerMail team

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