Hi, all - 

In PowerMail 6.0.3, when I try to clear Remembered Recipients, I get a
spinning beachball that doesn't seem to want to go away.  The first time
this happened to me (on September 15), I waited several minutes, then
force quit PowerMail.  Upon restart, I got a database error which was
resolved by doing some of the repair routines when starting up. 

Today, I noticed that the Remembered Recipients had not, in fact, been
cleared when this happened.  I tried again to clear them, and again got
the spinning beachball.  Not wanting to get a repeat of the previous
error, I tried a different approach.  Turns out, while the beachball was
spinning, PowerMail was still responsive (to some extent).  I turned off
the option to remember recipients and did a Command-S while in the
preferences dialog and closed it.  I was not able to Quit PowerMail, so
was again down the path of Force Quit.  On startup, this time I got no

Not really sure I need PM to remember recipients anyway, but there
appears to be a bug I thought I should report.  Looking at the
various .old databases in my user's folder, it appears that the Setup
Database may have been the one affected, as it decreased in size by
about 32K between September 15 and this morning.  Assuming, of course,
that the remembered recipients data was purged after I unchecked the
preference and restarted PowerMail.

All this because I had a typo in my wife's email address one day that I
kept repeating, resulting in the occasional 'Did you get my email?' 
'No' ... conversation.

System info in signature...

 - Don

Don Zahniser
Powerbook G3 (Pismo), 40GB HD (5200 RPM), 768 MB RAM, Mac OS 10.4.11

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