I use a similar system to Hiro. i.e. Keep data and documents stored on a
separate partition or hard disk. 

All work related files (and the PM user's folder) are stored on a
separate partition that retains the organization I was using with earlier
versions of the Mac OS. All personal files and things like iTunes music
files and iPhoto images are stored in my Home folder, but I have changes
the location of that so that it is stored on a different partition to the
startup volume. See the link below for info on how to move the location
of your user files. 

This system makes it much easier to back up the two types of data, using
different schedules. And also means they are less likely to be lost if
the system needs to be reinstalled. So far in two years of using OS X, I
have only had to reinstall the OS once, after the infamous 10.1.3?
release. That fact that all important data was stored on a different
partition (and backed up to separate hard disk) meant that I was up and
running with the newly installed system within about an hour.  

Ancient Japan & Japanese Soccer Info: <http://www2.odn.ne.jp/~hab26240/>

Written while listening to: Do What You Have to Do by Sarah McLachlan
from Surfacing
At 8:55 PM on 2003年 12月 19日 (金), A-NO-NE Music wrote:

>Mikael Byström / 03.12.19 / 5:52 AM wrote:
>>>>Where should the new PMFiles folder be located in OS X?
>>>Wherever you like.
>>A suggestion that makes sense to me is to make a "Mail" folder in the
>>User folder, next to "Documents", "Library" and so on, and put the
>>"PowerMail files" folder there or alternatively put it in the user folder
>>The second best to me is to make a "PowerMail files" or mail folder
>>inside the "Library" folder. I back up all my folders under the
>>userfolder structure.
>I actually keep it to a separate volume.
>OSX needs space for swapfile as well as millions of logical link files. 
>I keel all the growing directories, iTune data, iPhoto data, file
>download target directory, and PM data to separate volume where managing
>is much easier.

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