On 6/6/03 8:32 PM Barbara Needham wrote:

>>>BTW, a proper signature should be preceded by a line consisting of "-- ". 
>>Does that mean two hyphens and a space, no other combination being
>>allowed? Or is there some flexibility?
>>If "-- " is official, then I will change all my signatures.
>Well, it is official in that most news and mail readers will then
>automatically cut off the delimiter and the rest of the signature when
>you hit reply.
>It isn't official in that anyone is going to arrest you if you use some
>other way of showing your signature!

If that's what most people do, I can't see any reason for me to do
otherwise. Nonconformity for the sake of principle is praiseworthy, but
nonconformity just to be different is idiotic.

Leonard Morgenstern

See, I've already changed!

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