Although trying to deal with HTML email is not as smooth as it could be,
MY major problem with PM right now is that when I configure PM to view
HTML email, I get frequent crashes as a skim through these messages.

It was REALLY bad when I installed Safari v4 beta - but even after I
reverted, the crash rate is irritating. When I turn off viewing of HTML
email, the crashes go away....But then my messages are a pain to read.

I dislike HTML email, but the hard fact is that MANY people use it -
including many of my employees, even after I TRY to get them to use
plain text. It's a battle I'm tried of fighting. Family, friends,
customers, spam -- it doesn't matter who we curse, Microsoft or Apple --
it's a fact of life and our tools need to deal with it correctly.

I sure hope Powermail v6 is a real product and not vaporware....and that
one of it's major enhancements is better integration of HTML email. I
don't want to SEND HTML email -- and I control that, but receiving
it...please make it as easy as plain text....


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