Am Mi, 26. Nov 2003 schrieb Emily Jackson:
>>Am Di, 25. Nov 2003 schrieb Emily Jackson:
>>>At 1:50 PM -0600 on Monday, November 24, 2003, Ruediger Prang
>>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I am looking for scripts to encrypt and decrypt messages in PowerMail by
>>>>using PGP 8 Freeware.
>>>>I've found some that require Frontier. But they don't run under Mac OS X.
>>>You don't really need AppleScripts to use PGP with PM under OS X; the
>>>encrypt and decrypt commands can be found under PowerMail -> PGP ->
>>Thanks for this hint, I didn't found in the PowerMail PGP Menu before.
>>It works for the seleceted text in a message. But what about the
>>attachments? I wrote a test mail to myself but the attachment was
>>transmitted unencrypted...
>You'd encrypt the file first (using, then attach it to an e-mail
Yup, that work's...and it is in fact the reason to ask for a script, that
does the encryption of the message together with all it's attachments.


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