[PPIBelgia] Hasil seleksi beasiswa VLIR

2009-05-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Salam,Hasil seleksi beasiswa VLIR sudah keluar..bisa dilihat di:http://www.scholarships.vliruos.be/index.php?language=EN&navid=506&direct_to=Selection%20results%20ITP-%20%20ICP-scholars%202009Bagi yang terseleksi selamat, perjuangan baru saja dimulai...bagi yang belum jangan patah semangatcob

[PPIBelgia] [info] Ph.D.-students and Post-Doc researchers in Bioinformatics und Biostatistics at the University of Regensburg, Germany.

2009-05-08 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Universität RegensburgWe have openings forPh.D.-students and Post-Doc researchers inBioinformatics und Biostatisticsat the University of Regensburg, Germany.In our research projects, we model oncogenic signal transduction pathwaysfor the computational classification of cancer.The successsful can

Re: [PPIBelgia] selamat kepada kepengurusan PPI baru,,,

2009-05-10 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Selamat... Semoga makin mantab kegiatan serta gregetnya PPI Gent. Tio From: rezki amalia To: ppi gent ; PPI BELGIA Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 12:20:02 PM Subject: [PPIBelgia] selamat kepada kepengurusan PPI baru,,, Assalamu alaikum wr. wb., Atas na

[PPIBelgia] Orang Indonesia Memang Tak Bisa Berhitung

2009-05-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Bisanya matematika! Itu juga yang bisa. Pasalnya anak-anak Indonesia sejak tahun 1970-an memang tidak diajari berhitung lagi di SD, tetapi diajari matematika. Matematika tidak sama dengan berhitung.Berhitung itu keterampilan teknis, yaitu menghitung, menambah, mengurang, mengali, dan membagi. Mat

Re: [PPIBelgia] Sisi lain Pak Boed yang saya kenal

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Ikutan komen utk komen bang anis yg ke empat "Kalo Abang bikin Ane seneng, dapur ngebul saban hari, hidup anak2 ade jaminana, terserah deh Abang mau kerja apa, Neoliberal kek, Sosialisme kek, Ane masih mau kok ame Abang " Ini sepertinya sama spt komen2 rakyat yg merasa jaman pak harto lebih bai

[PPIBelgia] Second case of Mexican flu in Belgium

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Second case of Mexican flu in Belgium Belgian Health Minister Laurette Onkelinx confirmed the country's first case of swine flu on Wednesday evening. A second case has now also been confirmed. The first case was a  28 year old man from the city of Ghent. He was on a two-week

[PPIBelgia] fwd: BERITA DUKA CITA-Telah Berpulang Ibunda dari Bapak Dubes RI Bapak Nadjib Riphat Kesoema

2009-05-17 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.Innalillahi wa inailaihi rojiun,Dengan ini kami sampaikan berita duka atas berpulangnya Ibunda dari Dubes RI untuk Belgia, Luksemburg dan MEE, Bapak Nadjib Riphat Kesoema/Ibu Mertua Ibu  Nino Nasution Riphat yaitu:    Nama          : Hj. H.M.S. Sri Banoen Riphat Binti Tjokro

Re: [PPIBelgia] Semoga lekas pulih buat Aisya

2009-05-19 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Asswrwb, Terima kasih atas doa2 rekan2 semua... Alhamdulillah Aisya sudah bisa pulang kemarin siang... Sekarang proses penyembuhan lukanya ... Semoga Aisya kembali sehat spt sedia kala. Wassalam, Tio

[PPIBelgia] Indonesia Juara Tersenyum Sedunia

2009-05-19 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
http://www.smilingreport.com/pressrelease_090409.html STOCKHOLM - Indonesia berada di tingkat pertama dalam urutan negara dengan warganya paling mudah tersenyum di dunia dibandingkan dengan negara lain.The Smiling Report 2009 yang digelar Mystery Shopping Providers (Provider Misteri Belanja) di

[PPIBelgia] [info] Postdoc and PhD student positions in Bioinformatics, Metagenomics and the Human Microbiome

2009-05-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Raes lab (VIB, University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium) is hiring 3 motivated postdocs /PhD students in the computational analysis of metagenomics data, with a particularemphasis on human-associated microbial communities in health and disease.The last few years have seen a revolution in the fu


2009-05-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
banget posting lowongan beasiswa--- Salut bangets--- On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Setio Pramono wrote: CALL FOR FULL TIME TEACHING/RESEARCH POSITIONS (PhD/Postdoc) INSTITUTEOF STATISTICS UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN Starting from September 2009, the Institute of

[PPIBelgia] tiket murah ke Jakarta

2009-05-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Hi All,Info tiket murah ke Jakarta:http://www.joker.be/En.Content.328.aspx?SubSite=VluchtenKalo pulkam jangan lupa oleh2nya yah...Tio

Re: [PPIBelgia] Fwd: [jurnalisme] Contoh PRAKTIK Neolib era SBY (kita dijadikan bangsa bebek)

2009-05-28 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
wah ude pake jargon2 nih temen2 he2 Kalo gw sih dulu males pake mega pro, soalnya bagusan tiger lebih mantab and macho he2..g nyambung sama materi diskusi... Tio From: M Roil Bilad To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:16:26 AM

Re: re:Re: [PPIBelgia] diskusi PPI..?

2009-06-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Ide bagus Mas Bayu. Insya Allah gw akan ikutan nih...tp utk pembicaraan bidang ekonomi saya serahkan ke temen2 yg lebih ahli deh... Gw seksi konsumsi aja (bagian makan2 he2...)... Tio From: bagusco To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Cc: intan.soepa...@vub.ac.be

Re: Re: [PPIBelgia] diskusi PPI..?

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Terima kasih Mas Bayu proposalnya yang sangat bagus dan real... Seperti masukan dr bbrp teman...memang lebih baik pertemuannnya di KBRI dimana tempatnya luas dan tdk perlu menyewa...Sehingga lebih banyak student dan masyarakat yang bisa hadir disana... Untuk waktu saya rasa bisa di dekatkan d

Re: [PPIBelgia] kembali soal SIM

2009-06-10 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Agung.. Kalo di flanders..SIM diterjemahkan ke dalam bhs belanda... SIM belgia berlaku di bbrp negara eropa (termasuk UK) dan permanent (g perlu di perbaharui..apalagi diperpanjang sampe 1 m) Utk SIM indonesia nya harus diterbitkan harus sebelum kita datang ke belgia.. misal tgl kita buat SIM din

Re: Re: [PPIBelgia] diskusi PPI..?

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Mas Bayu,Terima kasih mengenai format diskusinya, untuk politik, saya belum bisa mengusulkan siapa .ehm..friends siapa nih yg berani?Tio From: Herbhayu AN To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.comSent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:14:46 PMSubject: RE: Re: [PPIBelgia] diskusi PPI..?

Re: [PPIBelgia] penundaan acara diskusi PPI

2009-06-16 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Setuju mas..hanya saja panelis dari PPI Bung Dendinya pada tanggal itu sedang berlibur ke negeri dewa-dewi.. so musti dicari gantinya tgl 20 jadinya ke antwerp ? Tio From: Herbhayu AN To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:21:27 PM

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re: penundaan acara diskusi PPI

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Hi All, Sory utk acara hari sabtu, krn hingga kemarin blm ada kejelasan ttg acara tgl 20 juni di antwerp, aku shift acara hari itu utk ke paris airshow. So maaf sekali krn sptnya wakil dari hasselt blm ada yg bisa hadir.. Semoga acara di antwerp seru yah... Salam, Tio _

Re: [PPIBelgia] Acara ngumpul di Antwerp

2009-06-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Bang Roil dan Mas Bayu, bgmn kalau tambahan dr ketua Indonesia worldwide, Suryo? Tio From: M Roil Bilad To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 10:37:31 PM Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Acara ngumpul di Antwerp Salam, Saya baru tadi s

Re: [PPIBelgia] Konfirmasi kehadiran untuk acara tanggal 4 Juli 2009

2009-06-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Oh Setting acaranya dirubah ke pendidikan yah? sip2,,aku siap diskusi nih he... Tio datang.. yg lain blm ada yg konfirm..mungkin ahmad bisa datang krn ujian sudah selesai. Salam Tio From: Furqon Azis To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Thursday, Ju

Re: [PPIBelgia] Konfirmasi kehadiran untuk acara tanggal 4 Juli 2009

2009-06-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
tanggal 4 Juli 2009 Tio gantiin mas Anis aja kalau gitu. Kan udah ngerasain nyekolahin aisha + danish. salam, bagusco --- On Fri, 6/26/09, Setio Pramono wrote: >From: Setio Pramono >Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Konfirmasi kehadiran untuk acara tanggal 4 Juli 2009 >To: ppibel...@

[PPIBelgia] 1 syawal 1428 H, KBRI Brussels Belgia

2007-10-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Kalo di tempat2 lain masih pada bingung kapan lebarannya, KBRI belgia luxemburg di brussels sudah menentukannya minggu lalu sesuai dengan pendapat ulama2 di brussels bahwa 1 syawal 1428 H jatuh pada hari jumat 12 oktober 2007. Lebaran belanda dan jerman terpecah antara sabtu dan jumat. KBRI den Hag

Re: [PPIBelgia] Salam Kenal & Internet di Belgia

2007-10-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Kalo aku pake telenet perbulan 42 e, pemakaian donload and upaload 12 GB perbulan. kalo pakai sepuasnya aku g tau...setahuku yg ada belgacom itu juga ada limitnya. Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbee

[PPIBelgia] Omar Bakrie Berkubang Sampah

2007-10-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Omar Bakrie Berkubang Sampah (Foto: Fathiyah Wardah) 28 tahun menjadi guru honorer. Gaji Rp 500 ribu mana cukup untuk sekeluarga? Memulung jadi jalan keluar. Matahari sempurna mengirimkan sinarnya. Panas menyengat. Peluh tiada henti menitik dari dahi Mahmud. Jarinya yang kasar

[PPIBelgia] We need food and also our intellectual.

2007-10-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
http://www.republika.co.id/koran_detail.asp?id=311287&kat_id=3 Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007 Kisah 'Pelarian' Para Ahli Dirgantara Pada 2010, bukannya tak mungkin Malaysia menyalip Indonesia dalam teknologi aerospace. Jika ditanya siapa tangan dingin yang turut melepaslandaskan teknologi penerbang

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re: Salam Kenal & Internet di Belgia

2007-10-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
i kode pos berapa. > > > > Yang bisa unlimited setahu saya hanya ada dua, > yaitu > > Brutele dan UPC (Chello). Yang lainnya, Belgacom, > > tele2net, dan lain-lain punya limit download > sekitar > > 40 GB. > > > > > > Bhayu. > >

Re: [PPIBelgia] Ekonomi EU

2007-10-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
ahmad.. di hasselt memang harga2 barang sedikit lebih mahal dibanding kota2 sekitar begitu juga dengan harga apartement mungkin karena: On 27/06/07, Hasselt has been named by Testaankoop, the Belgian consumer magazine and a member of Euroconsumers, as the city with the highest standard of

Re: [PPIBelgia] Ichwan Berburu sampai ke Eropa

2007-10-30 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
kalo mo berburu barang bekas di belgi, coba dateng ke tongeren:http://hafidztio.multiply.com/photos/album/82/Inside_Tongeren_Antique_Marketapaa aja dijual..sampe penebah kasur juga ada he2 Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research GroupCenter for StatisticsHasselt UniversityAgoralaan - building D35

Re: [PPIBelgia] nama anggota dan no hp

2007-11-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
ini no HP ku mas bayu: 0486933491 Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http://hafidztio.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ - Original Message From: herbhayu <[EMAI

[PPIBelgia] tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
temen2 ,...ada yg mu di tanyain nih...mungkin ada yg bs bantu... dulu saya kesini pakai pasport biru yg masih valid sampai thn depan karena belum ada surat izin utk lanjut studi disini dari kantor.. recananya saya akan pulang utk membuat pasport hijau. yang ingin ditanyakan adalah: 1. Jika punya p

Re: [PPIBelgia] tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
igrasi di bandara mah hehehehe) salam utong On 11/4/07, Setio Pramono < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: temen2 ,...ada yg mu di tanyain nih...mungkin ada yg bs bantu... dulu saya kesini pakai pasport biru yg masih valid sampai thn depan karena belum ad

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-04 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
thanks infonya... but.. apa memang bisa membuat pasport hijau baru di KBRI? semoga saja bisa..jadi g repot bikin di indonesia Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http:

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Afrika Departemen Luar Negeri Ÿ 62-21-3813521 Ý 62-81808004068 -Original Message- From: Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 22:30:48 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport thanks infonya... but.. apa memang

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
/ - Original Message From: Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 7:39:19 PM Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport Thannks infonya menanggapi comment dari pak Marsianda: Nanti kalo pulang, Paspo

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
salah) dan klo paspor ijo mah bisa lima taun salam utong On 11/5/07, Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com > wrote: Thannks infonya menanggapi comment dari pak Marsianda: Nanti kalo pulang, Paspor biru harus dikembalikan ke deplu, karena akan

Re: [PPIBelgia] Re:tanya2 ttg pasport

2007-11-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
thanks bu penjelasannya... saya memang rencana sekalian pulkam kok... menanggapi komen dr ibu: Utk urusan pribadi saya hrs pake paspor dg warna lain, krn tujuan dan alasannya beda!!! Saya tdk boleh pake paspor hitam saat pergi jalan2 ke australia menjenguk sdr dll.. berarti kita bisa punya

[PPIBelgia] 2 PhD students In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University

2007-11-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University, the following positions (m/f) are available for the SBO project “A Model-Based Approach for Evaluating the Safety and Environmental Effects of Traffic Policy Measures”: 2 PhD students (2x2 years) (mandates BEDR/2007/023-024) Job de

Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw:undangan kbri re sosialisasi uud 45

2007-11-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
surat jenis apa lagi tuh roff? apakah itu diperlukan untuk semua PNS yg sedang tugas belajar disini?... ehmada ada aje deh...kenapa harus ada pemberitahuan dari KBRI kalau yang bersangkutan sudah ngaku kalo pulang dan ingin kembali bekerja apa jika tanpa surat tsb kita masih dianggap di LN

Re: [PPIBelgia] Profesor Termuda di Amerika Serikat adalah orang Indonesia.

2007-11-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
ah masih kala sama professor yang satu ini: http://hafidztio.multiply.com/reviews/item/11\ ttg siapa nih prof ada di: http://www.detiknews.com/index.php/detik.read/tahun/2007/bulan/11/tgl/02/time/125747/idnews/847829/idkanal/10 ternyata mudah jadi prof di indonesia... Setia Pramana Bioinform

Re: [PPIBelgia] Gaji Dirjen Melebihi Menteri

2007-11-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
yang paling banyak itu dan menyedihkan adalah gaji guru /dosen jauh lebih kecil dari uang jajan siswanya atau gaji mahasiswanya yg nyambi kerja... Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium http://hafidzt

[PPIBelgia] (unknown)

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Scientist Bioinformatics Based at: Tibotec Virco BVBA, Mechelen, Belgium Department: TV-RED Scientific Operations / Computational Virology and Chem/Bio-Informatics Vacancy Description In this function you will apply computational techniques to study the effect of mutations in HIV and He

[PPIBelgia] VLIR Ph.D. scholarships programme

2007-11-24 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The ICP Ph.D. is a Ph.D. scholarships programme which aims to institutionally strengthen universities or research institutions in the South through capacity building, by upgrading local academic personnel by offering Ph.D. scholarships. Only ICP graduates can apply. For the list of ICP’s, please r

Re: [PPIBelgia] undangan Kepala Pensosbud KBRI Brussel

2007-11-29 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Acara yang menarik... sayangnya saya tidak bisa hadir karena pulkam... Dari Hasselt, semoga ahmad effendi bisa mewakili.. untuk moderator, tolong dimasukkan new member, Joana, dia PhD student yg baru di Uhasselt: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center f

[PPIBelgia] Fw: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Gent

2007-12-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http://hafidztio.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ - Forwarded Message From: De Centrale Boekhandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [E

Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Gent

2007-12-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Fw: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Gent naon ieu? hehehe tolong diterjemahkan dulu ke versi indonesia ato english version nya jg gpp koq soalnya sayah kagak ngartos thank utong On Dec 7, 2007 7:52 AM, Setio Pramono < [EMAIL PR

[PPIBelgia] PhD student in Bioinformatics

2007-12-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Research Group Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics of the Department of Plant Systems Biology at VIB/Ghent University is currently looking for a PhD student in Bioinformatics to work on an Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) Research Project entitled BioMaGNet (Bioinformatics and Mod

[PPIBelgia] Post-doc in computational biomolecular NMR

2007-12-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
=== Post-doc in computational biomolecular NMR === Description of the Faculty / Research group -- The new Faculty of Science consists of six departments: Biology, Pharmac


2007-12-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http://hafidztio.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ - Forwarded Message From: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Mon

[PPIBelgia] 2 PhD students In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University,

2007-12-31 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University, the following positions (m/f) are available for the SBO project “A Model-Based Approach for Evaluating the Safety and Environmental Effects of Traffic Policy Measures”:

[PPIBelgia] Shopping ticket

2008-01-04 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Shopping ticket Let’s go shopping by train ! Haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet? Or would you rather find some bargains in the sales? The ‘Shopping ticket’ at 7.00 EUR in 2nd class and 10 EUR in 1st class takes you back and forth to your favourite shopping district

[PPIBelgia] tv indonesia

2008-01-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Kangen nonton TV indonesia? klik: http://www.imediabiz.tv/ cheers, T10 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypa

Re: [PPIBelgia] tv indonesia

2008-01-06 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
. Liga inggris dan italy juga ada, di chanel sport. dendi Furqon Azis <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: wah bener euy bisa ntn tv indonesia hehehehe tp koq ngasih tau nya pas lg musim ujian euy hehehehhehe nuhun kang Tyo utong On Jan 6, 2008 8:07 AM, Setio Pram

[PPIBelgia] PhD Scholarship in Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

2008-01-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
PhD Scholarship in Biostatistics at the Department of Biostatistics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands The Department of Biostatistics (Faculty of Medicine) of the Erasmus Medical Center (University of Rotterdam) is recruiting PhD-students in Biostatistics. The candidates should have a Ma

[PPIBelgia] nonton pelem

2008-01-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
lum register. > mungkin bisa dicoba > > saya seringnya pake TVU, ada ANTV dan liga inggris > yg sering saya tonton, walaupun bisa habis 1 giga > untuk 2X45 menit (=2 euro per giga). > dendi > > Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: >


2008-01-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
INDONESIAN STUDENTS SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2008 (ISSM 2008) Delft, The Netherlands, 13-15 May 2008 "Sustainable development in Indonesia : An Interdisciplinary Approach" Organized by: The Institute for Science and Technology Studies (ISTECS), the Netherlands Chapter and Europe Chapter I

[PPIBelgia] Fw: Uitnodiging Boekenfestijn Leuven

2008-01-31 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends, Buat penggemar buku, festival buku berikutnya adalah di Leuven, berikut informasinya: Regards, Setia Pramana - Forwarded Message From: De Centrale Boekhandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, February 1, 2008 2:12:27 AM Subject: Uitnodiging Boeken

[PPIBelgia] promosi ICE

2008-02-01 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Hi All, Buat temen2 yang ingin jalan2 keliling Jerman, sedang ada tiket murah/promosi (selama persediaan masih ada) menggunakan kereta ICE, kereta cepatnya Jerman..dengan harga dari 29e one way for one person from and to any city in germany, dan utk tiket 2-5 org 20e/org. Namun teman2 harus pe

[PPIBelgia] PhD Studentships (2 x 2 years) in the Departments of Applied Economics, Traffic Engineering, Biomedical Science and Science (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biological S

2008-02-01 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Hasselt University seeks applicants for the following positions (m/f): PhD Studentships (2 x 2 years) in the Departments of Applied Economics, Traffic Engineering, Biomedical Science and Science (Chemistry, Biolo

[PPIBelgia] Brussels-Paris cuma 25e

2008-02-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear All, bagi yang ingin mendinginkan otak habis ujian di depan menara eiffel, berikut ada promosi dari thalys. Discover our Mini prices (25 €) for the following journeys: Brussels-Paris, Antwerp-Paris, Liège-Paris * Conditions Use : One way ;In Comfort 2 only ;On sale in limited

Re: [PPIBelgia] DP3 2007 bagi Pemegang Paspor Dinas

2008-02-05 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Terima kasih mas Bayu... saya udah 2 thn lebih di belgi nggak pernah bikin DP3 gimana nih? he2. abis dulu g pernah ada info spt ini dr kbri, sampai info ttg kalo pulang diperlukan surat kepulangan dari kbri aja baru tahu kmrn saat di mau buat exit permit..tapi alhamdulillah "bisa di otak atik

Re: [PPIBelgia] Sepenggal Harta Trah Cendana

2008-02-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Sulis. mau ngejar Dana CEndana? postingannya ttg cendana melulu...? g bosen ? Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Office: D56 Phone: +32-11-268288 Fax: +32-11-268299 http://hafid

Re: [PPIBelgia] Sepenggal Harta Trah Cendana

2008-02-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
tg upaya2 hukum sebagai bentuk perdjoeangan menyelamatkan harta titipan anak cucu kita itu, dr kawan2 pengacara seperti bung Sulis.., sehingga beritanya ga berita buruk terus he he2.. Wassalam Cak Mad - Uhasselt Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: Sulis. m

[PPIBelgia] Pertamina may develop gigantic reserve: BPPT

2008-02-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
berikut info betapa kayanya indonesia... semoga menjadi ladang amal dan kesejahteraan, bukan ladang korupsi..(lagi). Tio Pertamina may develop gigantic reserve: BPPT JAKARTA (JP): State oil and gas firm Pertamina will follow up on the r

Re: [PPIBelgia] Fw: 2x1! You love me? Fly with me

2008-02-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
kalo bawa anak boleh g di? thanks for the info Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Office: D56 Phone: +32-11-268288 Fax: +32-11-268299 http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http://hafidz

[PPIBelgia] Perlawanan Siti Fadilah Supari

2008-02-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Berikut artikel menarik dari dunia kesehatan saya pernah diskusi dengan salah satu professor di belanda tentang sampel DNA dan penggunaanya serta kaitannya dengan politik... Di sisi para peneliti di eropa, dengan mengambil sampel dari negara2 berkembang terutama yang sedang terjadi epidemi, d


2008-02-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Buat temen2 yg sedang persiapan buat defense atau presentasi, berikut bbrp tips yang mungkin bisa membantu: SEVEN CRITERIA IN EFFECTIVE ORAL PRESENTATION These following criteria are expected to be followed for one to have an effective and efficient oral presentation. Presentation G

[PPIBelgia] Link and match di Hasselt University, Belgium

2008-02-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Link and match di Hasselt University, Belgium Di School of Information Technology Hasselt University Belgium, terdapat 3 international program: Master in Applied Statistics, Biostatistics dan yang baru dibuka Bioinformatics. Untuk thesis terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, group project dan individual pr

[PPIBelgia] a full-time position in Statistics/Biostatistics

2008-02-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Department of Mathematics –Faculty of Sciences Applicationsare invited for a full-time position in Statistics/Biostatistics, to begin inFall 2008. Applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Mathematics or in Statistics,with expertise in Biostatistics and/or mathematical models in biology. He (she)sh

[PPIBelgia] Alumni Luar Negeri, Aset Siapa?

2008-02-20 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Copy paste artikel dari media: Rabu, 20 Februari 2008 Alumni Luar Negeri, Aset Siapa? Oleh : Erie Sudewo (Social Entrepreneur) Karena cuma menghafal nama dan angka tahun, peristiwanya luput dimaknai. Karena tak tahu peristiwanya, benang merah misteri yang membalut peristiwa dari masa ke mas

[PPIBelgia] (unknown)

2008-02-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono

[PPIBelgia] Tenured Academic Staff Economics, Business Economics or Business Administration

2008-02-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The University of Antwerpis a knowledge centre with 3 400 employees which performs ground-breaking andinnovative research of international standing. The university takes specialcare to ensure optimum support and supervision of students, and pays constantattention to educational innovation. The u

[PPIBelgia] Doctoral Grant Statistical experimental design for large-scale experimentation in marketing and product development

2008-02-24 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The University of Antwerp is a knowledgecentre, with 3400 co-workers, conducting ground-breaking and innovativeresearch of international standing. The university takes special care to ensureoptimal support for and supervision of its students and pays constant attentionto innovation in education.

[PPIBelgia] Vacancy for 3 Research Assistants in Operations Management/ Supply Chain Management

2008-02-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Vacancy for 3 Research Assistants in Operations Management/ Supply Chain Management The Research Center for Operations Management of KULeuven Faculty of Business and Economics (Belgium) is looking for 3 full-time research assistants (m/f) for scientific research in the area of operations manage

[PPIBelgia] Fw: [beasiswa] [INFO] Research Assistant / Doctoral Student in Financial Economics - Ghent

2008-03-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics Hasselt University Agoralaan - building D 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium Office: D56 Phone: +32-11-268288 Fax: +32-11-268299 http://hafidztio.multiply.com/ http://hafidztio.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/ - Forwarded M

[PPIBelgia] TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics & bioinformatics

2008-03-03 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics & bioinformatics At the University of Konstanz we expect to have two postdoc positions available starting on April 1, 2008 in the lab of Prof. Axel Meyer at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Zoology at the University of Konstanz in G

Re: [PPIBelgia] Nasehat Warren Buffet utk Anak Muda

2008-03-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
tong... ""Mengapa Anda harus memberikan orang lain kesempatan untuk mengatur hidup Anda?. Hiduplah dengan gaya Anda sendiri, yang penting Anda senang, Anda puas, Anda bahagia..."" Nah ini kontradiktif sama yg ditulis sebelum2nya... umpama kalo gw seneng dan bahagia buat beli hal2 y

Re: [PPIBelgia] Integration Program [?]

2008-03-13 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dendy... dulu waktu aku tinggal di tongeren, istri dpt juga ada surat panggilan utk ikutan semacam integrasi program... but..karena akunya fully sibuk dan istri jaga anak di rumah, jadinya dia nggak ikutan dan nggak ada denda tuh... tapi utk kursus bahasa belanda dia kursus gratis dahulu (dul


2008-03-23 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Assalamulaikum Wr.Wb. Bersama ini dengan hormat diberitahukan bahwa dalam rangka mempertebal keimanan serta mempererat tali silaturahmi diantara kaum muslimin, Keluarga Pengajian muslimin Indonesia Belgia akan menyelenggarakan acara pengajian yang Insya Allah akan diadakan pada: Hari

Re: [PPIBelgia] [Fwd: [luarnegeriberdiskusi] Ribuan Doktor (4799) Indonesia (Data Direktori DIKTI), Apa peran yang telah dilakukan untuk kemajuan Bangsa]

2008-03-25 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
SETUJU BANGET TNG... Tio - Original Message From: Furqon Azis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 8:17:01 AM Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] [Fwd: [luarnegeriberdiskusi] Ribuan Doktor (4799) Indonesia (Data Direktori DIKTI), Apa peran yang te

[PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends di Belgia dan sekitarnya, Meski Belgia masih bersalju dan dingin menusuk, jangan lupa untuk ganti ke summer time (dimajukan) 02:00Sunday 30 March 2008. Tio Be a better friend, newshound

[PPIBelgia] keukenhof

2008-03-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends,,, Bagi yang belum pernah atau ingin pergi lagi ke taman bunga Keukenhof, taman sudah dibuka minggu lalu hingga 18 mei'08. Bisa dilihat di site: (http://www.keukenhof.nl/nm/english.html). Tips: Pergi kesana bagusnya akhir april atau awal mei, saat bunganya mekar semua... Met ja

Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-26 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
From: Herbhayu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: PPIBelgia@yahoogroups.com Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 4:25:37 PM Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time oke tio, thanks. btw harusnya gak ada salju bulan maret loh... Bayu. --- Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote: &g

Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
8/3/26 Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>: Dear Friends di Belgia dan sekitarnya, Meski Belgia masih bersalju dan dingin menusuk, jangan lupa untuk ganti ke summer time (dimajukan) 02:00Sunday 30 March 2008. Tio Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-al

Re: [PPIBelgia] summer time

2008-03-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
r time Buat pengguna windows vista, janganlah kuatir!. Perubahan jam ke musim panas akan terset secara otomatis. so panteng trus tuh laptop..kayak si tukul - Original Message From: Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ps.com Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD Studentship (2 x 2 years) Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

2008-03-27 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
PhD Studentship (2 x 2 years) Inorganic and Physical Chemistry (mandate SBG/2008/001) Job description This PhD research is situated in the frame of a collaboration between the Institute of Materials researc

[PPIBelgia] PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands

2008-03-30 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Subject: [beasiswa] [info] PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands PhS Scholarships Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics FOR HIGHLY QUALIFIED GRADUATES The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and

[PPIBelgia] bulan diskon

2008-04-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Buat temen2 yang suka belanja2... ada info bahwa ada bulan diskon di outlet2 di Roermond, Holland. info bisa dilihat di: http://www.designeroutletroermond.com/about/index.php?lang=en Met belanja, Tio __

Re: [PPIBelgia] bulan diskon

2008-04-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
bulan diskon ente tau aja klo ada diskon hehehehehhe utong 2008/4/2 Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>: Buat temen2 yang suka belanja2... ada info bahwa ada bulan diskon di outlet2 di Roermond, Holland. info bisa dilihat di: http://www.designer outletr

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD in Computational Biology Group

2008-04-02 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
2 PhD positions as a BIOINFORMATICIAN / STATISTICIANThe Gene Center Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University) is seeking 2 PhD candidates who want to join our Computational Biology Group. Our aim is to develop and apply statistical models that provide insights into the transcriptional regulation of

[PPIBelgia] biology and medical books

2008-04-07 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear All, To download the latest biology and medical books visit www.bioXplorer.com Enjoy, Tio You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. http:/

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD position in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
The Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zürich invites applications for a: Three - year PhD position in Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling in the research group Computational Mathematics of Prof. Dr. S. Sauter. Candidates must have a master degree in Mathematics or a closel

[PPIBelgia] [info]2 PhD The Gene Center Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University)

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
2 PhD positions as a BIOINFORMATICIAN / STATISTICIAN The Gene Center Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-University) is seeking 2 PhD candidates who want to join our Computational Biology Group. Our aim is to develop and apply statistical models that provide insights into the transcriptional regulation

[PPIBelgia] berita bahagia bagi laki2 yg blm nikah dan ngerasa kurang ganteng....

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Mengapa Wanita Cantik Memilih Pria 'Standar' Getty Images Jumat, 11 April 2008 | 14:15 WIB Tak perlu heran melihat begitu banyak wanita cantik menggandeng pria bertampang 'standar'. Menurut penelitian, para wanita cantik yang menikah dengan pria berwajah biasa justru merasa lebih bahagia diband

[PPIBelgia] [info]PhD Positions at the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics"

2008-04-11 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Open PhD Positions at the Doctoral Program "Computational Mathematics" - Call for Applications The newly established Doctoral Program (DK) ''Computational Mathematics: Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation'' at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz, Austria, is offering PhD positio

[PPIBelgia] [info] PhD student in Educational Sciences

2008-04-12 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
PhD student in Educational Sciences(Noord-Holland), 38 hours per week University of Amsterdam Job descriptionThe Department of Educational Sciences islooking for a PhD student for the research project ‘The relativecontribution of Supportive Home Visiting and Parent Management Trainingto the

[PPIBelgia] berita gembira

2008-04-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
Dear Friends, Telah lahir dengan selamat putra kedua dari salah satu anggota milis ini, Charles (Phd Student UGent) dan Johana (PhD student Uhasselt), pukul 5 dini hari tadi (14 april'08) di Rs Virge jesse, Hasselt. Regards, Setia Pramana Bioinformatics Research Group Center for Statistics


2008-04-14 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
CALL FOR FULL TIME TEACHING/RESEARCH ASSISTANT POSITIONS INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS UNIVERSITÉ CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN Starting from September 2008, the Institute of Statistics of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is offering a series of full time teaching and researc

Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online

2008-04-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
setuju...jang rahmatbisa minta lsg ke authornya... tapi pengalaman g semua mo kasih ..ada sebagian yg nyuruh beli jurnalnya... kalo legal sih boleh..kl ilegal ehm.? kalo jurnal di bid biologi: http://www.bioxplorer.com/ - Original Message From: Rachmat Irwansjah <[EMAIL PROTEC

[PPIBelgia] ebook /jurnal

2008-04-15 Terurut Topik Setio Pramono
:50:40 PM Subject: Re: [PPIBelgia] cari partner bisnis online bioxplorer isinya barang bajakan tuh.. tapi boleh juga lah.. thanks for the info.. banyak yg bermanfaat sekali disana.. maklum ga mampu beli bukunya.. thx tio for the link Setio Pramono <[EMAIL PROTECTED] c

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