Jan 9, 2010 22:22 | Updated Jan 10, 2010 9:59 
Are Taliban descendants of Israelites?

Are the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan descendants of an Israelite tribe 
that migrated across Asia after it was exiled over 2,700 years ago? 

A former Taliban militant covers his face during a ceremony in which weapons 
were handed over to the Afghan government in the city of Herat province west of 
Kabul, Afghanistan.
Photo: AP [file]

This intriguing question has been asked by a variety of scholars, theologians, 
anthropologists and pundits over the years, but has remained somewhere between 
the realms of amateur speculation and serious academic research. 

But now, for the first time, the government has shown official interest, with 
the Foreign Ministry providing a scholarship to an Indian scientist to come to 
the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and determine whether or 
not the tribe that provides the hard core of today's Taliban has a blood link 
to any of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and specifically to the tribe of 

Shahnaz Ali, a senior research fellow at the National Institute of 
Immunohaematology, Mumbai, has joined the Technion to study the blood samples 
that she collected from Afridi Pathans in Malihabad, in the Lucknow district, 
Uttar Pradesh state, India, to check their putative Israelite origin. 

Shahnaz, an expert in DNA profiling and population genetics, will be supervised 
by Prof. Karl Skorecki, director of Nephrology and Molecular Medicine at the 
Technion Faculty of Medicine. Skorecki is famous for his breakthrough work on 
Jewish genetic research. 
Shahnaz's research, which is expected to last anywhere between three months and 
a year, will be supported by a scholarship from the Foreign Ministry for the 
2009-2010 academic year. 

Shahnaz, who is staying in Haifa for the duration of her research, earlier 
worked at the prestigious Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Kolkata 
(formerly Calcutta). While the scholarship only provides her with $600 per 
month (excluding travel to and from India), her work will be followed closely 
by many here and abroad. 

While the vast majority of Afghan Taliban are Pashtun, the largest ethnic group 
in Afghanistan, the theory that they are descendants of the Afridi Pathans is 
widespread in the area. The theory is based on a variety of ancient historical 
texts and oral traditions of the Pashtun people themselves, but no scientific 
studies by any accredited organizations have upheld the claim. It continues to 
be believed by many Pashtuns, and has found advocates among some contemporary 
Muslim and (to a lesser extent) Jewish scholars. 

Official confirmation of the link by the Technion would lend immense weight to 
the argument. Afridi Pathans have an age-old tradition of Israelite origin, 
which finds mention in texts dating from the 10th century to the present day, 
written by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scholars. 

According to some researchers, members of the tribe still observe many 
Israelite customs in their native places in eastern Afghanistan and in the 
federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, 
though they have lost all these traditions of theirs in India. In Afghanistan 
and Pakistan they are all Muslim today and form the core of the Taliban. 

In his 1957 The Exiled and the Redeemed, Itzhak Ben-Zvi, Israel's second 
president, wrote that Hebrew migrations into Afghanistan began "with a 
sprinkling of exiles from Samaria who had been transplanted there by 
Shalmaneser, king of Assyria (719 BC)." 

Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, when asked about his ancestors, 
claimed that the royal family descended from the tribe of Benjamin. 

On the academic level, British researcher Dr. Theodore Parfitt has been 
conducting research on genetic effects and chromosome Y among numerous tribes 
around the world. In India he is assisted by a young researcher from the 
University of Lucknow - Dr. Navras Afreedi - who claims that his ancestors were 
Afreedi, descendants of the tribe of Efraim, and that many of the Pathans and 
other tribes are descendants of the Ten Tribes. Afreedi did his post-doctoral 
work at Tel Aviv University, titled "Indian Jewry and the Self-professed Lost 
Tribes of Israel in India." 

Shahnaz's genetic research would examine Navras's theory that Afridi Pathans 
are descendants of the tribe of Ephraim, which was exiled in 721 BCE. The 
research uses DNA analysis to trace shared ancestries and origins of certain 
populations of interest in the eastern provinces of India, to map the cause of 
a certain disorder that is very frequent in the large populations of those 
provinces, and to see if the DNA mutations originate in a certain "founder 

Shahnaz traveled to Malihabad and collected blood samples from the tribal 
population there. It is thought that the Afridi Pathans migrated from the 
border of Afghanistan and Pakistan, areas that are now "ground zero" in the war 
on terror. Shahnaz herself, while aware of the possible connection, is cautious 
to jump to conclusions. 

"The research itself will take some three months, and after that we'll see what 
happens. It could take a huge amount of time to analyze all the data, as it was 
taken from tribal people in India, and we will need to examine how much the men 
from this tribe mixed in with the local population," she said. 

Navras welcomed Shahnaz's research grant. "It's a great news that now my 
research would be analyzed scientifically," he said on his blog. 

"I don't know what would be the outcome of the DNA analysis, but it would 
provide us a direction to resolve the complex issue. I also hope that such 
effort will have positive ramifications and will bring the Muslims and Jews 
close and enable them to forget historical animosity," Navras wrote. 

  a.. Read Amir Mizroch's blog 

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