Teman-teman, setahu saya pelayanan kesehatan di Mumbai
belum punya sistem seperti di Foshan, provinsi
Guangdong, China.  Di Foshan, 20 rumah sakit dikota
itu dihubungkan satu sama lain dengan jaringan IT.
Penanganan untuk pasien bisa cepat dan tepat, karena
data pasien tersedia di layar monitor: CT scan,
ultra-sound, X-ray, urine check, blood test, disertai
tanggal pemeriksaan dan dimana.  Baru kalau suatu info
yang diperlukan, mis. CT scan, tidak ada maka itu saja
langkah yang perlu diambil sebelum mengambil langkah
lebih lanjut, misalnya operasi segera.

Itu dimungkinkan karena semua rumah sakit di Foshan
memakai satu sistem IT yang sama dan memori yang
tersedia 10 gigabytes.


(Business Week) 
OCTOBER 19, 2004 

By Bruce Einhorn 

Asian Health Care's IT Injection 

The region has begun harnessing technology to boost
the industry, showing its potential to lead the world
in such innovation 
One of the big worries among American
information-technology executives is that the U.S. is
in danger of losing its edge as other countries,
especially in Asia, build up their high-tech
infrastructure and leapfrog past the West. Indeed, in
some areas the question isn't whether the U.S. is
going to fall behind, but whether it can catch up. 

Take telecommunications. Measured in sheer number of
cellular users, the U.S. lost its No.1 position years
ago to China, which now has more than 300 million
people chatting on their mobile phones. That's
understandable. There are more than 1.3 billion
Chinese, after all. But when it comes to cellular
services, the U.S. also lags behind Japan and South
Korea, both of which have operators that are quickly
signing up new customers for third-generation cell

STUNNING PROGRESS.  Surely the U.S. is safely ahead of
Asia in other industries -- health care, for instance.
The U.S. system has its problems, as President George
W. Bush and Senator John Kerry have detailed during
the current campaign for the White House, but American
health care is among the best in the world, its
hospitals some of the most cutting edge, right? 

Not according to Mark N. Blatt, a former family
physician who joined Intel (INTC ) in 2000. As the
chipmaker's manager of health-care strategies, Blatt
is in charge of efforts to make hospitals worldwide
more IT-savvy. Blatt recently came to Asia to meet
with health-care officials in China, Hong Kong, South
Korea, and Thailand. When I met with him recently in
Hong Kong, he told me was stunned by the progress that
some countries are making in using IT to improve how
doctors and nurses do their jobs. 

When Blatt spoke to me in Hong Kong, he had just
returned from a visit to Southern China's Guangdong
province. Blatt went to Foshan, an industrial city in
the Pearl River Delta that's widely speculated to have
been the home of China's first SARS case, back in
2002. The disease's outbreak spooked the Chinese
government, making it realize that it had to invest in
an IT infrastructure that would allow hospitals to
monitor illnesses more easily. The aim would be to
prevent major epidemics -- and also improve the
quality of patient care. 

IT CENTERPIECE.  "With SARS, they couldn't track what
was going on, so they made an effort to build a
population-surveillance and disease-tracking system,"
Blatt explains. "They succeeded within a year."
According to Blatt, China's Center for Disease Control
now has a system that allows daily updates from 16,000
hospitals nationwide, providing information on 32
different diseases. 

How does that compare the U.S.? "We have a paper-based
system," says Blatt. It takes the U.S. CDC a month to
get information that the Chinese can get in a day. 

Foshan is a centerpiece of China's efforts to jump to
the head of the health-care IT pack. The city is
participating in a government experiment with a goal
of linking 20 hospitals (with a total of 10,000 beds)
in the city, allowing them to exchange medical records
with one another electronically. That makes it easier
and faster for doctors to treat patients. But in the
U.S., such exchanges are quite difficult because so
many hospitals use different IT systems. That's why
even hospitals within the same company in the U.S.
have problems exchanging data with one another, Blatt

JAW-DROPPING.  But in Foshan, the government can
simply require all the hospitals to fall into line --
one of the advantages to having an authoritarian
government. The city has a 10-gigabyte network
connecting the 20 hospitals and two clinics taking
part in the program. 

"For anyone who gets sick at any of the hospitals, the
doctors can see the patients' lab values, medications,
the entire health record from a health center," says
Blatt. Given China's severe shortage of doctors -- it
has about the same number as the U.S., yet four times
the population -- the ability to share such
information is especially important. 

Foshan's health-care IT hub even has a global
positioning system that's hooked up to the police and
the fire departments. If a traffic accident causes a
backup, the dispatcher can alert the ambulance driver
and send it on a different route. Says Blatt: "We just
went there and..." his jaw drops jaw in mock surprise.

BIG OPPORTUNITY.  Foshan is hardly representative of
what's going on in most hospitals in China or other
parts of Asia. The country is just one of many in the
region without enough doctors, a shortage that puts
tremendous pressure on physicians to see huge numbers
of patients. Large hospitals in China, South Korea,
and Thailand regularly treat a million outpatients a
year, twice as much as a large hospital in New York. 

Asian countries also don't have enough nurses. China
has only two nurses for every doctor. In the U.S. and
most other Organization for Economic Cooperation &
Development (OECD) countries, the ratio is more like
four to one. And Blatt concedes that "a significant
number" of hospitals in China have just "rudimentary"
IT systems, with many of the computers used just for
billing rather than for improving the quality of care.

In other industries, the Chinese government has shown
that it's capable of vaulting from a laggard to a
leader in just a few years' time. As Intel seeks to
sell more chips in China, the U.S. semiconductor
powerhouse is counting on Beijing to do for its
hospital network what it did for its cellular system.
That could mean a big improvement for Chinese patients
-- and a big opportunity for American companies. 


Einhorn covers technology from Hong Kong for
Edited by Patricia O'Connell

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