
*Brain tumour link to pesticides*

Agricultural workers exposed to high levels of pesticides have a raised risk
of brain tumours, research suggests.
The French study also indicated a possible higher risk among people who used
pesticides on houseplants.

All agricultural workers exposed to pesticides had a slightly elevated brain
tumour risk, it suggested.

But the Occupational and Environmental Medicine study found the risk was
more than doubled for those exposed to the highest levels.

The risk of a type of central nervous system tumour known as a glioma was
particularly heightened among this group - more than three times the risk in
the general population.

Gliomas are more common in men than women, and the researchers speculate
that part of the reason might be that men are more often exposed to

However, the overall risk of developing a brain tumour remained very low.

UK experts said the findings were inconclusive.

The findings were based on an analysis of 221 cases of brain tumours by the
French Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development.

The research took place in the Bordeaux wine-growing region, where 80% of
all pesticides used are fungicides.

The chemicals are mixed and sprayed in a mist to protect vines from fungal

However, the researchers were unable to get specific enough data to pin down
exactly which types of pesticide were associated with the development of
brain tumours.

Evidence 'inconclusive'

They also found that the use of pesticides indoors for house plants seemed
to be associated with a more than two-fold increase in the risk of brain

But they admitted further work would be needed to confirm this association -
again because of a lack of detail about which pesticides were used in
enclosed home environments.

Josephine Querido, science information officer at Cancer Research UK, said:
"More research is needed to confirm the observations made in this study as
the results were based on people's recollection of pesticide exposure.

"Brain tumours are relatively rare and, although workers exposed to high
levels of pesticides in industry or farming may be at higher risk of certain
cancers, current evidence is inconclusive and any risks are likely to be
very small."

Kathy Oliver, secretary of the International Brain Tumour Alliance, said:
"Our organisation maintains contact with the world's leading specialists in
brain tumours and unfortunately no single cause has yet been identified.

"The French study has identified an area warranting further investigation,
however, we caution that the results should not be exaggerated.

"It is important to emphasise that more research is required before people
start throwing out their cans of household pesticides."

Parkinson's 'risk'

A spokesman for the Crop Protection Association said: "Pesticides are some
of the most thoroughly regulated chemicals in the world.

"There is no conclusive scientific evidence of a link between pesticides and
brain tumours.

"This type of study does not demonstrate cause and effect, and the authors
themselves admit that they did not identify which pesticides were used or
the levels of exposure."

Pesticide exposure was linked to a raised risk of Parkinson's disease in a
study published last month.

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