This recent week one mailing list I join has been talking about the plan of the 
Health Institution of South Sulawesi to issue a provincial bill to (somewhat) 
force women who just deliver babies to breastfeed them as well as to manage the 
distribution of formula milk in the area. The deputy head of the Health 
Institution, Saad Bustam said that there was a tendency for women (especially 
working women) nowadays to give their babies formula milk instead of breastfeed 
them with practicality as the main reason while in fact it is believed that 
mothers’ milk is the best for babies. The background of this plan is because 
Human Development Index of the area is in the twenty-third rank. It is assumed 
that giving mothers’ milk to the babies will improve the quality of human 
resources in the area so that in the future it is expected to be able to 
increase the Human Development Index.
The discussion of this subject in the mailing list is related to the anti 
pornography bill that eventually just makes women criminals. For example, women 
are not allowed to wear sheer clothes that will turn on men in public places. 
When sexual abuse is done by those men, due to the sheer clothes women wear, 
the women will be imprisoned. So, instead of protecting women from sexual 
abuse, the anti pornography bill just makes women criminals.
So will the “mothers’ milk bill”, I assume. When a woman cannot breastfeed her 
baby—with so many reasons, such as the woman has to go out of town to work 
while she doesn’t have money to bring the baby with her so that she has to 
leave the baby in the village where the grandmother, or any other female 
relatives, takes care of the baby, or because of natural cause, the woman 
cannot produce any milk from her breasts, which is oftentimes possible to 
happen—the woman will be put in jail, or pay fine.
A good thing has been done by the Health Institution though: providing special 
rooms for women who want to breastfeed their babies in malls so that the women 
do not do that in open public areas. Related to the anti pornography bill, a 
woman can be imprisoned too when she breastfeeds her baby in a public area. She 
will be accused to intentionally show the sensual part of her body—breasts.
When delivering my baby in 1991, I did that in one midwife’s house close to my 
dwelling place. Before my breasts produced milk, the assistant of the midwife 
prepared a glass of sugared water to give Angie when she was crying because of 
feeling thirsty or hungry. We used a small teaspoon to put the water into 
Angie’s tiny mouth. (She weighed 2.6 kg and 49 cm long.) Several hours after 
that, my breasts produced milk and I could breastfeed Angie directly. The 
midwife also prepared a box of formula milk in case we needed that. The midwife 
opined that it was better not to give the baby any formula milk yet before the 
mother produced milk.
I concluded that the midwife wanted to indirectly campaign to breastfeed babies 
for women who delivered babies in her house. This is absolutely good.
FYI, I breastfed Angie till she was four months old without giving her any 
other milk or any food. After that, I still breastfed her until she was one 
year old, (because I had to resume my study out of town and she was with her 
granny) but of course plus food. I started to give her formula milk when I was 
busy resuming my study.
Recently when some good friends of mine got married, got pregnant, and then 
delivered their babies in hospitals (not in a midwife’s house like my 
experience), I heard similar experiences. Before their breasts produced milk, 
the nurses gave the babies formula milk when the babies cried. They apparently 
didn’t have patience to wait until the babies’ mothers could breastfeed them. 
Or perhaps there was cooperation between the hospital and the formula milk 
distributors for profit.
What happened after that? Some friends told me that their babies didn’t want to 
drink the mother’s milk, they chose the formula milk instead. That was the 
first liquid they tasted and they didn’t want any other. Some others said that 
they still could breastfeed their babies, but not as the main milk, only as the 
additional one.
Is breastfeeding included women’s destiny? So that they are not supposed to 
avoid it? I don’t agree with it although only women have breasts, and not men. 
Under some special circumstances, some women cannot produce milk from their 
breasts although they just deliver babies. What is wrong? Well, I never know 
When Angie was born in April 1991, there was a neighbor of mine who delivered 
her baby several weeks afterwards. Without knowing why, her breasts didn’t 
produce any milk so that she had to give her baby formula milk. She felt very 
disappointed but any effort she did to make her breasts produce milk was in 
vain. Was she a bad mother? Of course not. What happened was really beyond her 
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Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.   (Sir James 
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