Journal of NTT Development Studies is  a peer reviewed, a bi-lingual journal 
(Bahasa Indonesia or  English)

Called for Papers -  "NTT at the  cross road - 40 Years of NTT Development" for 
First Edition Vol 1 April  2008. Preferred Topics for 15 April 2008 edition:
   40 Years  of East Nusa Tenggara Economic Development
   Knowledge  Management of NTT: Constraints and Opportunities
   Social  Development of NTT: Education, Health and
   NTT Human  Development Strategy: A Reflection Forwards
   Rural  Development Infrastructures and Spatial Poverty Analysis of  NTT
   Interdisciplinary Research Agenda for  NTT Development
   International Aid in East Nusa  Tenggara: What are the Impacts in 40 Years?

First  Edition First Volume: Forthcoming in April  2008!

Notes for  writers:
The Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT  Development Studies serves as a forum for 
dialogue and knowledge  sharing between scientists and practitioners. Whilst we 
anticipate that many  submissions will come from both international and 
Indonesian national  writers, an important aim of the journal is to provide a 
space for  developing and housing the work of Nusa Tenggara Timur based 
practitioners and writers who thus far have lacked significant  representation 
in the studies of East Nusa Tenggara developmental  field. As such, it is 
intended that the peer review process will contribute to the goal of developing 
the research and writing skills of  those who submit articles to the journal.

This  journal is both multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary journal on NTT  
Development Studies. It is available both in Bahasa and in English.  Length of 
per article is about 3000-5000 words, with maximum 200 words  abstracts. Please 
send your figures and tables in separate files.
We publish  three times a year. For referencing purpose, please Harvard model.  
download See also example from  "Getting the Most from Journal Articles" - 
download   Email to Editor:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];  [EMAIL 

(Jurnal ini bersifat multi dan lintas  disiplin yang membahas tentang studi 
pembangunan NTT dan dipublikasikan  dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris. 
Panjang tulisan berkisar 3000-5000 kata,  dengan jumlah abstraksi maksimum 200 
kata. Dipublikasikan 3 kali dalam  setahun. Untuk format 
referensi, silahkan menggunakan Harvard  model/format terlampir: download.
Sebagai tambahan, silahkan  download paper "Getting the Most from Journal  
Articles." download

Notes for  Reviewers:
Peer Review Guidelines and Note for  Peer Reviewers of NTT Development Journals 
(Silahkan  Download  Panduan  Peer Review dan catatan bagi editor dan 
reviewer).  Format scoring  penilaian reviewer (form for reviewer evaluation of 
the paper)  download
Please  nominate yourself for being a reviewer?

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