“Celebrating Women's Diversity” is the main topic of Jurnal Perempuan (Women’s 
Journal) number 54. Diversity is indeed something certain that we cannot avoid 
in our lives. To force a plural society to be homogeneous must be out of 
What ‘diversity’ is meant in this journal? 
The fact that the idea of feminism—that refers to the equality between men and 
women in all aspects of life—was proposed by the white women is undeniable. 
However, to say that what has been struggled by the white women can be applied 
to all kinds of women in the world—that means colored women are considered to 
have similar problems as well as solutions with the white—is something needs 
negating. Therefore, then some other kinds of feminisms appear, such as 
multicultural feminism that is considered more appropriate for colored women. 
In Indonesia with its many kinds of ethnic group—with Javanese (read  
have dark/light brown complexion, almond-shaped eyes, straight/wavy hair) as 
the majority—we still cannot categorize all women’s problems to reach equality 
with their fellow human beings (read  men) into one classification. 
Women In Java island themselves can be categorized into rural and urban women, 
metropolitan or small town women. They can have different way of thinking to 
view equality. Women in other islands—such as those who have dark complexion 
with kinky hair—perhaps need to struggle something else. Different culture in 
one ethnic group values different things from others. 
I will take one easy example of women who come from low social class. They have 
to work hard to survive, not just to get self-esteem or reach 
self-actualization, as what women from high social class pursue in their life. 
These women probably will not understand why women from high social class have 
to work if their husbands can provide them everything they need. They even 
probably want to enjoy lingering at home, without worrying what to eat today. 
On the contrary, women from high social class who can “enjoy” working to pursue 
their self-actualization is not guaranteed free from patriarchal society’s 
Therefore it is necessary to accept the diversity. 
Several weeks ago, I read an article stating a group of women had a 
demonstration to refuse women activist’s struggle to reach equality (check this 
site – in Bahasa though
 Since the article didn’t mention clear names for the exact places where those 
women did the demo, including the exact dates, I was of opinion that it was 
just a misleading writing by someone who did not like the idea of gender 
equality. However, if it did happen, I think we had better respect each other’s 
values. We—women activists—appreciate those women who choose to be full 
housewives, dedicate their whole lives for their husband and children, as well 
as make themselves subservient before their husbands—the breadwinner. On the 
other hand, they respect women activists who keep struggling for gender 
equality. As I wrote somewhere in this blog, feminism also means giving women 
full choices what to do in their life, whether they want to be a full 
housewife, or to work in public sphere, either for self-esteem or 
self-actualization or work to make their ends meet.
God, the Omnipotent, did not create just one race because I believe God also 
thinks that differences create beauty. 
PT56 21.30 091207

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open. 
  (Sir James Dewar)
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