Refleksi : Mengapa tidak sekaligus dibebaskan SBY dan klomplotannya  dari tugas 
yang dipercayakan oleh rakyat yang ditupu?

Democratic Party `must not chair inquiry'

Hans David Tampubolon ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Sat, 11/28/2009 1:07 
PM  |  National 

No more: A sociologist from the University of Indonesia, Thamrin Amal Tamagola 
(right), and activists of the Coalition of Anticorruption NGOs (Kompak), give a 
thumbs down during an audience with the House of Representatives in Jakarta on 
Thursday. The gesture represents the coalition members' commitment to 
eradicating corruption. (JP/P.J. Leo)
A coalition of civil society groups says the House of Representatives' 
committee of inquiry into the Bank Century bailout must not be led by 
legislators from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party. 

"Similarly, a footballer joining a club cannot be given the captain's armband 
immediately," Effendi Gazali, a spokesman for the Coalition of Anti Corruption 
Civil Societies (Kompak), said. 

"Since the Democratic Party legislators only signed the petition at the last 
minute, none of them should chair it," he said during a meeting with the 
sponsors of the inquiry committee at the House in Jakarta on Thursday. 

The committee was originally sponsored by legislators from the Indonesian 
Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), 
the Greater Indonesian Movement Party (Gerindra), the Golkar Party, the 
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the National 
Awakening Party (PKB), and the United Development Party (PPP). 

The Democratic Party was the only party whose members refused to sign the 
petition to form the committee, which is scheduled to be endorsed in a plenary 
session on Dec. 1. 

Widespread media and public speculation hinted that the Democratic Party's 
reluctance to support the committee initially was because of allegations that 
some of the funds from the scandal had gone to the party's presidential 
campaign team. 

However, the Democratic Party argued it wanted to wait for the Supreme Audit 
Agency (BPK) to finish its financial audit on the scandal, which is said to 
have cost the country some Rp 6.7 trillion (US$710.2 million) in taxpayer 

All of the Democratic Party legislators then signed the petition Tuesday after 
the BPK's report hinted at irregularities behind the bailout. 

Despite the Democratic Party's late endorsement, a number of its legislators, 
such as House Speaker Marzuki Alie, have advised that the Democratic Party 
chair the committee due to its being the largest party in the House with 144 

Anti graft activists and the legislators who initiated the petition have voiced 
suspicions that, by looking to chair the committee, the Democratic Party have a 
hidden agenda to weaken it. 

"The move to weaken the committee is real. Following their bid to stop the 
committee from being endorsed, they are now trying to weaken it by getting 
inside and by trying to hijack its leadership post," Bambang Soesatyo from 
Golkar said. 

Maruarar Sirait from the PDI-P urged civil society groups to closely watch the 
committee's performance to maintain its integrity and transparency. 

"This committee must be closely monitored. If needs be, the Corruption 
Eradication Commission *KPK*, can even wiretap us," he said. 

The committee, once established, will be able to investigate and summon anyone 
suspected of involvement in the scandal. 

The committee sponsors said Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri 
Mulyani would be summoned due to their crucial role in the policy behind the 
bailout. Boediono was the Bank Indonesia governor when the decision to bail out 
Bank Century was taken. 

Bambang said he believed there was a "massive force" pushing both Boediono and 
Mulyani to adopt the bailout policy. 

"This massive force is what the committee must identify. He or she is the 
person benefitting the most from the bailout," he said. 

Effendi said the committee would have to learn from the Watergate scandal to 
clear this fiasco. 

"In Watergate, the informant known as Deep Throat said *follow the money, it 
will lead you to the most powerful man in the White House'," he said. 

"I'll let the public interpret that statement," he added.

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