After writing the result of the discussion in my class on FREEDOM WRITERS, in 
this article I will write what I like most from this movie.
Erin Gruwell is always the most conspicuous character. She really did her very 
best for her students although being a teacher at Wilson High School didn’t 
give her much money. Her own father, Steve Gruwell, who inspired her to treat 
others as well as she could, without looking at the different ethnic groups 
(from Steve’s involvement in the civil right movement), praised his daughter as 
a gifted person. I do appreciate her willingness to do two other part time jobs 
to make her earn more money where she used the money to provide facilities her 
students needed, especially books, and some other experiences they got from the 
trips they did out of town. The trips as well as the books opened her student’s 
awareness that there was a different kind of life beyond their own hard life. 
She opined that assigning her students to read DIARY OF ANNE FRANK would make 
them realize that they were not the only one to suffer from racial 
discrimination. Living a life
 as a gang member would even make their life more chaotic.
Among Erin’s students (I noted down eight of them, Eva, Marcus, Andre, Jamal, 
Cindy, Tito, Gloria, and Ben), I was very interested in Eva and Marcus. Eva 
easily attracted my attention since her life was portrayed at the very 
beginning of the movie. Her father raised her to believe in “Don’t go against 
your own people, your own blood.” Since she was a kid, she already got to know 
the racial ‘principle’ in America that the Latino people “are less than the 
white”. She grew up hating the white since the white cops imprisoned her father 
although her father was innocent.
Eva amazingly controlled herself well (to show that she was a very careful 
person, she didn’t easily like other people, moreover if they were white) while 
her classmates already showed their attraction toward Erin. Her disappointment 
when finding out that Anne Frank died was resulted from her big dream that Anne 
Frank, as the symbol of resistance, had to survive. She viewed herself as in 
the same shoes as Anne in the past. When Anne died, would she have to die too?
Eventually, Eva made a big change when she showed her courage by telling the 
truth in the court. She decided to do this by herself in spite of the fact that 
her parents as well as her Latino community asked her to protect Paco. This 
“seemingly small” step was expected to open people’s eyes to tell the truth so 
that they would do the same thing.
Marcus also stole my attention. His rebellious character came to an end in 
Erin’s way of teaching. Erin successfully made him realize that education would 
really make a big change in his life. Going back to his family’s house showed 
his seriousness to alter his way of life besides studying seriously.
My favorite scene in the movie is the discussion between Erin and Scott, her 
husband, before he left the house. When Scott asked her to choose between the 
class and him, Erin came to her realization that what she was looking for in 
her life was to make her life meaningful by helping her students get rid of 
their hard life as gang members where they would oftentimes get involved in 
racial tensions. Her dedication to her job gave her a much greater satisfaction 
as well as happiness than to dedicate her life to her husband.. ‘Helping’ more 
people to live decently gave her life more senses than just ‘helping’ one 
person—her husband.
This reminded me of one character in T.S. Eliot’s play “The Cocktail Party”, 
Celia. Celia who didn’t find what she was looking for in her relationship with 
Edward realized that she wanted to dedicate her life to human beings, not just 
one person, Edward, who happened to be married to Lavinia. This awareness—that 
what she was pursuing in her life was to dedicate her life to God by taking 
care of human beings—made her decide to go on a missionary.
Happiness in someone’s life—especially in women’s lives—is not necessarily 
always related to marriage life. When some women find deep happiness in 
dedicating their life to their husband and children, some other women possibly 
find it in different ways. Erin chose her students because that was her call. 
Btw, luckily Erin didn’t live in Indonesia where women get praised as “true and 
honorable women” only via marriage, especially by dedicating their life to 
their husband. Erin would get ‘bitch’ label since she ignored her husband, and 
chose her students instead. People would say that Erin just cared for her own 
Another part of the conversation between Erin and Scott that attracted me was 
as follow:
“Why can’t you stand by me, and be a part of it, the way a wife supports her 
husband?” asked Erin to Scott.
“Because I cannot be your wife,” answered Scott.
The above exchange has always been my favorite dialog in the movie. Scott—or 
patriarchal men in general—would feel impotent when realizing that his wife was 
more successful than they were. This also apparently would hurt men’s ego.
Scott had shown his disappointment when Erin had the second part time job at 
Mariott hotel during weekend. “You even didn’t ask me,” was his first 
complaint. His second complaint was, “Everyone knows you can do anything!” He 
showed his being inferior in front of his smart wife since he lost his spirit 
to pursue his architect degree.
In patriarchal culture, men are always welcome to work hard, they even will get 
appreciation from society as good husbands. However, when women do that, they 
will even get mockery and they will be considered to oppose their destiny to be 
domestic creature, because they don’t do household chores as they “are 
created”. So, instead of getting appreciation because she had dedicated her 
life for her “unfortunate” students, Erin would get disapproval from society.
To end this writing, I want to cite my own idea of being a feminist: women are 
free to choose what kind of life they want. I do appreciate Erin’s choice to 
make her life more meaningful by dedicating her life to her job and deserting 
her marriage life. In our life we often come to time when we have to make a 
choice. Erin has absolutely made the best choice, to help more people (her 
students) than just one spoiled man (her husband).
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Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they are open.   (Sir James 
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