
Interview with Jean-Bertrand Aristide: "One Step at a Time" 

In the mid-1980s, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was a young parish priest who worked 
in a poor neighbourhood of Port-au-Prince. A courageous defender of human 
rights and the dignity of the poor, his popularity grew, until in 1990 he won 
Haiti's first democratic Presidential election with 67 per cent of the vote. 
The following year he was ousted in a coup backed by the country's ruling 
elite, in turn backed by the USA and France. Today in exile, he speaks his 

Aristide was classified as violent and corrupt. 2000, a repeat scene, with a 
crushing victory in the democratic election and a second coup on 28th February 
2004, when he was kidnapped and forcibly taken to Africa. Today he lives in 
South Africa. Since he was forcibly removed, up to 5,000 Haitians have been 
murdered by the regime of President Rene Preval. Haiti awaits the triumphant 
return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide: many leading analysts affirm that if there 
was a free and fair election tomorrow, Aristide would win. 

In his interview with Peter Hallward* (of which here we present some extracts) 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide declares that before he arrived as part of the Lavalas 
Movement (against the dictatorship of the Duvalier regime) "a lot of work had 
been done by others, namely Father Antonio Adrien and His companions and Father 
Jean Marie Vincent, who was murdered in 1994. They had developed a progressive 
theological vision which reflected the hopes and expectations of the Haitian 

"In other words, the people are for me the very center of our struggle.This 
leads to a second theological principle, which Sobrino, Boff and others 
understood very well. The theology of liberation can only be one step in a 
broader process. This step, in which we have to start speaking on behalf of the 
poor and oppressed, no end as they begin to speak in their own voice and in 
their own words. The people begin to assume their own place in the public 

" In Haiti, the emergence of the people as law enforcement organizations such 
as the collective consciousness had begun in the eighties, and by 1986 this 
force was strong enough to oust the Duvalier dictatorship from power. It was a 
grassroots movement, not a pyramid project, headed by a single leader or a 
single organization. It was not just a political movement. It took shape above 
all through the construction of many small basic Christian communities". 

"When I was elected president, it was not just a strictly political office, the 
election of a politician, of a conventional political party. No! It was the 
expression of a great popular movement, the mobilization of the people as a 
whole. For the first time the National Palace had become a place not only of 
professional politicians, but for the people, themselves". 

"Our opponents responded with a coup. First, the attempted coup of Roger 
Lafontant, in January 1991, and, as he failed, the coup of 30 September 1991. 
Our opponents were always using disproportionately powerful means to suppress 
the popular movement. No single action or decision might change that. What 
matters is that we had taken a step forward, one step in the right direction, 
followed by other steps. The process that began then is still strong, though, 
is still strong, and I'm convinced it will only get stronger, and in the end it 
will prevail." 

"I understand the situation as follows: what happened in September 1991 also 
took place in February 2004 and could easily occur again in the future, where 
the oligarchy that controls the means of repression will use them to maintain a 
hollow version of democracy. This is their obsession: to maintain a situation 
that could be called democratic, but, in fact, consists of a democracy and 
imported surface, controlled from the top down. They have been able to maintain 
this situation for a long time. Haiti has been independent for 200 years, but 
we now live in a country where one percent of the population controls more than 
half the wealth." 

"We have great confidence in the U.S.? We were very dependent on external 
forces? No. We just try to stay lucid and avoid the cheap demagoguery. It would 
be mere demagoguery by a Haitian president wants to be stronger than the 
Americans, or to engage in an endless war of words, or oppose them for pure 
pleasure. The only rational way to go is to think carefully about the relative 
balance between the interests, understand what the Americans want, remember 
what we can and move on to the points of convergence. Take a concrete example: 
in 1994, Clinton needed a win in foreign policy, and the return of democracy in 
Haiti presented itself as an opportunity. We needed a tool to overcome the 
resistance of the murderous Haitian army, and Clinton offered us that 
instrument. This is what I mean by acting in the spirit of Toussaint 
L'Ouverture. We never had any illusions that the Americans shared our 
fundamental goals, we knew they would not move in the same direction, but 
without the Americans we could not have restored democracy." 

" As for Haiti, going back to 1993, the Americans accepted with pleasure a 
negotiated economic plan. When they insisted, through the IMF and other 
international financial institutions, privatization of the state, I was 
prepared to agree, in principle, if necessary - but I refused simply to sell 
the assets, unconditionally, to private investors. Corruption in the state 
sector was undeniable, but there were many different ways to address this 
corruption. Instead of privatization without limits, I was ready to agree to a 
democratization of these companies. What does this mean? It means an emphasis 
on transparency. It means that some of the benefits of a factory or a company 
should be shared between people who work for it. It means that some of these 
benefits should be invested in things such as local schools, health clinics, so 
that the children of employees receive some benefit from their work. It means 
creating conditions at the micro level that are consistent with the principles 
we want to guide development at the macro level. The Americans said 'OK, no 
problem' ." 

"We signed those treaties, and I'm at peace with my decision today. I told the 
truth, while they signed in a different spirit." 

"It was absolutely necessary to dissolve the army. We had an army of about 
7,000 soldiers, and it absorbed 40% of the national budget. Since 1915 it 
served as the army of internal occupation. It never faced an external enemy. 
Why would need an army like this, instead of a properly trained police force? 
We did what should be done. In fact, we organized a social program for the 
reintegration of troops, since they are also members of the national community. 
They also had the right to work and the state had a responsibility to respect 
that right. Even more than that, you know, if they could not find work, they 
would be more easily tempted to resort to violence or crime, as were the 
Tontons Macoutes before them." 

"We did the best we could. The problem did not come from our program of 
demobilization and integration, it came with the discontent of those who were 
determined to preserve the status quo. They were full of money and weapons and 
worked hand in hand with the most powerful military machine on the planet. It 
was easy for Americans to co-opt any former soldiers, train them and equip them 
in the Dominican Republic and use them to destabilize the country. That's 
exactly what they did, but, I repeat, was not a mistake to demobilize the 

" By doing this, we brought light on the real conflict that was at stake here. 
As you know, the history of Haiti is punctuated by a long series of coups. But 
unlike previous coups, the coup of 2004 was not an act of the "army" acting 
under the orders of our little oligarchy, in accordance with foreign interests, 
as happened often, as in the 1991 coup. No. This time these powerful interests 
had to do the work themselves, with their own troops and in their own name". 

* In Pátria Latina

Translated from the Portuguese Version of PRAVDA.Ru 

By Timofei BELOV 

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