's Hajj Battle

Iran's Hajj Battle
By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed

The biggest mistake that the Iranian leadership can commit would be to seek a 
confrontation at the coming pilgrimage season which is less than one month 
away. The statements they issue suggest that the Iranian leadership which is 
currently besieged by protests in its capital, Tehran, is searching for a 
battle to divert attention to a place other than Tehran. It is seeking to 
convince the Iranian people that there is an enemy they must unite to face, and 
it wants to use this to whip up nationalist and sectarian fervor. 

Iran tried twice in the past directly to use the pilgrimage to create clashes. 
It lost both times, including in the major rioting opposite the Mecca sanctuary 
during which many were killed, an incident that colored Islamic relations with 
blood for subsequent years. This time, for the same old reason, the Iranian 
leadership wants a noisy battle on the international scene by turning the event 
into a political arena in which it challenges its adversaries, using some of 
its pilgrims to engage in clashes with other pilgrims and with Saudi security 

The Islamic world is filled with disputes among its members and between them 
and others. If Mecca and the holy sanctuaries are opened to expression and 
clashes, horrible massacres would be committed at the behest of political 
regimes. Iran knows that all the Islamic countries desist from politicizing the 
pilgrimage and refuse to transpose differences to it. This includes the State 
that oversees the pilgrimage affairs, Saudi Arabia which refrains from using 
the occasion for its purposes. Saudi Arabia has differences with other 
countries but it never happened that placards or portraits against others were 
raised in Mecca or at the holy places. Neither were there slogans that praise 
the stands of Saudi Arabia, despite the authority and direct presence it has on 
the ground. It is in Iran's interest to rid the religious rite from the 
tampering of politicians. Iran today has a dispute with the United States, and 
there are Islamic countries that have disputes with Iran; Islamic countries 
that have disputes with Russia, and Islamic countries that have disputes with 
China, France, Syria, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia. So would it be rational to exempt 
Iran and allow it to be active politically while the rest are prevented from 
doing so? If all these hostilities are allowed to float to the surface, the 
pilgrimage will become merely a political arena, not a religious occasion which 
millions of Muslims vie to perform once in a lifetime. 

If the Iranian leadership decides to stir trouble through its mission or 
through the pilgrims of other nations, it would in effect alienate the Islamic 
world against it and will not find a single place in it that sympathizes with 
it irrespective of any justifications it cites. 

There have been difficult years between Tehran and Saudi Arabia because of 
attempts by Iranian revolutionaries to exploit the pilgrimage for political 
purposes. Their differences with Saudi Arabia and others brought these events 
to the point of a difficult political estrangement. Tehran was not able to 
defend itself at the time. Had it not been for the efforts of then President 
Hashemi Rafsanjani, matters could have deteriorated in a worse way. 

The entire world sees how the Iranian leadership is moving toward more 
extremism and more indulgence in violence internally and externally. It will 
not accept the desecration of the pilgrimage or exploiting it whatever the 
slogans Iran cites. Iran knows it will not find a single Islamic State that 
stands on its side in this battle if it sparks it and that it will be alone. 
Consequently, if the reason is to ease external pressures, they will be 
increased by clashes at the pilgrimage. If the objective is to ease tensions in 
Tehran, desecrating the pilgrimage will increase the hatred against the regime 
everywhere. In short, it will be another folly on a major international scale. 

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