Iran confiscates Nobel winner's medal from hardline critic Shirin Ebadi 
Martin Fletcher 
From: Times Online 
November 27, 2009 9:50AM 

IRAN has confiscated the Nobel peace medal and diploma of Shirin Ebadi, the 
human rights lawyer who is one of the hardline regime's most outspoken critics. 
Her bank account has also been frozen on the pretext that she owes almost 
£250,000 in tax. 

The seizure of the award, unprecedented in its 108-year history, caused outrage 
in Olso, where the Nobel Peace Committee is based. The Norwegian Government 
summoned the Iranian envoy to protest, and the committee said that it would 
make a formal complaint.

"Such an act leaves us feeling shock and disbelief," said Jonas Gahr Store, the 
Norwegian Foreign Minister.

Geir Lundestad, secretary of the committee, said that Iran's action was 
unacceptable. "A laureate has never been treated like that. Even political 
dissidents such as [Andrei] Sakharov and [Lech] Walesa were better treated in 
their countries," he added, referring to the Russian dissident and the Polish 
trade union leader, both of whom won the prize while living in the Soviet bloc.

In 2003 Dr Ebadi became the first Iranian and first Muslim woman to win the 
peace prize, which was awarded for her campaign for democracy and human rights. 
She was abroad during President Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election in June and 
has spent the past five months travelling the world to draw attention to the 
regime's alleged electoral fraud and suppression of the opposition. "I am 
effectively in exile," she said recently.

She revealed the loss of her Nobel medal in an interview on Radio Farda, a 
US-backed Persian language station. She said the regime had frozen her bank 
accounts and pension, as well as those of her husband, who is still in Tehran. 
She continued: "Even my Nobel and Legion d'honneur medals, my Freedom of Speech 
ring and other prizes, which were in my husband's safe, have been confiscated."

Norwegian officials said that the medal had been taken from a bank deposit box.

Dr Ebadi, 62, told another interviewer: "They say I owe them dollars 410,000 in 
back taxes because of the Nobel. It's a complete lie, given that the Iranian 
fiscal law says that prizes are excluded." The prize money was dollars 1.4 

She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but 
"so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint".

Dr Ebadi's lawyer in Tehran, Nasrin Sotoudeh, said that the medal was seized on 
the order of a judge at Tehran's Revolutionary Court.

The confiscation of Dr Ebadi's prizes is only part of the regime's campaign to 
silence her. It has closed her Centre for the Defence of Human Rights in Tehran 
and locked up three of her colleagues. She has been denounced in the 
state-controlled media and charged in absentia with conspiring against the 
state. Her husband was badly beaten this autumn and her apartment is said to 
have been seized.

In an interview with The Times in September Dr Ebadi said that the intelligence 
ministry had repeatedly interrogated her husband and brother, ordered them to 
shut her up and told them that it could track her down anywhere in the world. 
"In effect they have threatened me with death," she said.

She insisted that she would continue to denounce the regime's brutality - the 
shooting of innocent protesters, imprisonment, beating and torture of opponents 
- and the use of show trials and forced confessions. "Naturally the Iranian 
Government doesn't want the world to know what's happening in Iran, so it's my 
duty to inform as many people as possible."

Dr Ebadi has been lobbying world leaders, urging them not to ignore Iran's 
human rights abuses in their desire to engage the regime over its nuclear 

When The Times asked where she was based, she replied: "Airports around the 
world." She said that she planned to return to Iran soon despite the danger of 
being arrested at the airport. If not imprisoned, she would fight for justice 
for the families of those killed after the election. She said that those who 
had contacted her included the mother of Neda Soltan, the student who was shot 
during a demonstration and became a symbol of the opposition.

In a statement yesterday the Norwegian Foreign Ministry said that it had 
protested not just about the confiscation of Dr Ebadi's Nobel medal, but also 
about the prolonged harassment of her and her husband. "The persecution of Dr 
Ebadi and her family show that freedom of expression is under great pressure in 
Iran," Mr Store said.

"We made it clear that Norway will continue to engage in international efforts 
to protect human rights defenders and will follow the situation in Iran 

The Times

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