It's the Body Bags Stupid

By Iftekhar A. Khan

"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or 
religion but rather by its superiority in applying organised violence. 
Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do" (Samuel P 

August 04, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- It's irrelevant to discuss who 
was responsible for 9/11. The western world knows who engineered it and rest of 
the world fearful for its safety is silent about it. Why to destroy the Towers 
by demolition when the West could invade sovereign countries without the 
stratagem would remain a mystery. Iraq had no link to WTC destruction yet the 
West invaded and occupied it. The FBI said it had "no hard evidence connecting 
Bin Laden to 9/11." Neither did FBI in its Most wanted terrorist web page, 
implicate Laden in 9/11, but US attacked Afghanistan nonetheless. Muslims' 
perception that the West has no qualms about unleashing its violence against 
them is therefore a stark reality. The West marches its armies anywhere it 

Violence follows a preconceived method far from madness. Muslim states marked 
for occupation must not only overflow with energy resources but also possess 
strategic importance. However, occupation isn't a free course through a 
country; it entails blood, death, and body bags. Afghans seem to rephrase Bill 
Clinton's "it's economy stupid" to "it's body bags stupid."

US has occupied Iraq, established its largest embassy and 14 military bases, 
after massacring more than 1.3 million civilians. Had the US-UK-NATO alliance, 
veritably renamed Anti-Muslim Western Alliance (AWA), invaded Iraq without the 
mendacity of WMD, none of the Muslim leaderships would have stirred. Leaving 
Iraq to its fate, Barack Obama has focused on war in Afghanistan, assumed as 
his war. Will he win it? Not likely. Pashtuns are more tenacious than are the 
Iraqis. Taliban is another name of the Pashtuns striving to rid their country 
of foreign occupiers. Account of a British soldier in the UK Guardian 
unravelled the mystery of Taliban and Pashtuns for those who confuse the two: 
"One minute these...are Afghan farmers another minute Taliban." The soldier 
later lost his life in Helmand.

Many who thought Obama would change US policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have 
been disappointed. Obama and Brown don't formulate policies; reps of powerful 
interest groups do. How could Robert Gates, who outlasted Bush regime, take a 
U-turn on the AfPak strategy he himself devised? He has been at the centre 
stage of conceiving and planning the brutal military offensive Panther's Claw 
in Helmand - Southern Afghanistan. Richard Holbrooke on the AfPak scene is 
another face for Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

AWA has slim chance of winning the war in Afghanistan as Guardian's editorial 
(July 23) explained: "Two major thrusts by US and British troops into territory 
the Taliban once dominated have resulted in record US and Isaf casualties: 31 
US troops and 23 Isaf, 22 of them British, have been killed so far this month 
and many more (57) grievously injured. The Taliban have lost men, but they have 
an endless supply of recruits. And they would be even less bothered by loss of 
territory. The battlefield has merely grown." AWA has endless supply of 
military hardware but it lacks the nerve to supply more boots on ground.

Merely 22 British soldiers' death this month taking the tally to 189 so far has 
set off wide public resentment in UK. Mourners continue to protest against 
keeping the royal blood in jagged Afghanistan. Compare it with the slaughter of 
1.3 million Iraqis and hundreds of thousands of Afghans when none of the two 
nations had aggressed against the West. After ruthless AWA bombing of their mud 
hamlets, Pashtuns have been collecting bits and pieces of their men, women, and 
children to bury them in mass graves, while civilised West grieves over the 
death of its few soldiers.

Even if US-led AWA bombs every inch of Southern Afghanistan, it will ultimately 
need hundreds of thousands boots on ground to put down the resistance, which 
will mean thousands of body bags. AWA cannot afford to take casualties because 
the dead arriving home draped in national flags exact political cost. Yet 
military commanders in Helmand "insist that troops morale remains high" even 
though ruthless Taliban exploitation of sophisticated IEDs make every foot and 
vehicle patrol a potentially lethal last journey. Some morale it is that 
remains high when taking each step is a lethal last journey.

However, situation in Afghanistan has begun to change despite Messrs Brown and 
Miliband's lofty assertions a fortnight ago that troops would remain there to 
secure British lives in UK, not explaining the nature of danger the Pashtuns 
posed. Five days, 22 British and 31 US soldiers' lives later, operation 
Panther's Claw envisioned to put down resistance in southern Afghanistan has 
run aground. Both Britain and US have decided to open talks with the Taliban - 
the moderate Taliban. Both powers even consider an exit strategy. Why the 
sudden change in policy? Perhaps caskets reaching home and their consequent 
political fallout have compelled them to rethink their strategy. So far, AWA 
only wants to negotiate with moderate Taliban; soon it will be willing to 
negotiate with all of them.

The writer is a freelance columnist - E-mail:

This item was first published in the Nation: Pakistan

Satrio Arismunandar 
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