Kadhafi says Libya no place for 'civil society' 

Friday, 29 Jan, 2010 
Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi. - AP Photo 
TRIPOLI: Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi said on Thursday the concept of civil 
society has no place in his country, just as a panel headed by his son Seif 
al-Islam was about to propose a law permitting the creation of non-governmental 

In a televised address to the General People's Congress (GPC), Kadhafi said the 
idea of a civil society "is a bourgeois culture and an imitation of the West 
that has no place here."

In the West, a distinction is made between "an official governmental society 
and a civil society (made up of) non governmental institutions," he said, while 
in Libya society is "entirely civil."

After he headed a coup that overthrew the monarchy, Kadhafi introduced in 1977 
the state of the masses (Al-Jamahiriya), built on people's congresses whose 
representatives sit in the GPC. This body, in theory, takes all political 
decisions, passes legislation and names ministers.

"Does a lawyer need a union to defend himself?" Kadhafi asked, after saying 
that unions were created for the weak.

However, he did encourage the creation of charitable organisations to help the 
"neediest" in society, such as orphans, abandoned women or even diabetics.

Kadhafi was speaking as a committee headed by his son was about the issue a 
bill that would set out a new penal code, which would no longer criminalise the 
creation of independent associations of a non-political character.

That would be a drastic change from current law, which mandates capital 
punishment for any person who creates, joins, supports or finances an 
organisation proscribed by law.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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