In Your Beautiful Solitary Names 

The Fard (Solitary)   

Over the centuries the books of Hadith (Prophetic Narrations) have
been sanitized by the rulers and their corrupt salaried
false-scholars, each to their own whims and wishes that has left us in
the darkness we wallow within today. 

This is our first attempt at to start collecting
the lost prophetic narrations, from the known reputable grand sages.
We start the collection by a lost prophetic narration quoted by Pir
Jamal, Sheikh Ardestani, a Shiite Sufi sage. The reference from the
`India Office Library & Record' has been provided for the authenticity
of the text.  Although parts of this Hadith are found in both the
books of Sunnis and the Shiites, however this particular version is
not found in any of our searches. 

In this lost prophetic narration we hear from the Prophet, peace be
upon him, talking about his future `brothers', those who follow his
spiritual footsteps and yet never saw him and how the Prophet was so
eager to meet this futuristic spiritual nation. 

The translation is a gift from Dr. Hind Rifai. 

Allah the Supreme stated the Truth and so did his Noble Messenger.   

--DARA The Eyeless Lion 

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