Maid jailed over bid to poison employer's mum 

An Indonesian maid tried to get back at her employer's mother for nagging at 
her by spraying a window-cleaning solution on a plate and then serving rice on 
it for her dinner.

On Thursday, Oktiana, 24, was jailed for eight weeks for the offence at her 
employer's home in Telok Kurau in Singapore on April 14.

A district court heard on Thursday that Oktiana had sprayed Kao Kitchen 
Magiclean solution on a porcelain plate, scooped rice on it and then given it 
to Lee Neo Eng, 84.

Lee did not take the food but asked the maid to reheat the rice.

Oktiana did as she was told and again scooped the brown rice onto the same 

This time, Lee caught a strong whiff of the cleaning solution and did not eat 
the rice.

Lee and her grandson, who happened to be near the dining table, confronted the 
maid and asked if she had deliberately placed some detergent on the rice.

Oktiana eventually broke down and confessed.

Assistant Public Prosecutor Asran Samad told the court that Oktiana had 
committed the rash act after Lee reprimanded her for being slow in doing her 
chores that evening.

District Judge Ronald Gwee backdated the jail term for the maid to April 16, 
the day she was first remanded because she was unable to post bail.

For committing a rash act, the maid could have been jailed for up to six months 
and/or fined up to $2,500.

- The Straits Times/ANN

Published May 21 2010

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