June 30, 2010 
Muhamad al-Azhari & Heru Andriyanto

Media mogul Harry Tanoesoedibjo, who controls a vast media empire, is disputing 
the legality of Siti "Tutut" Hardiyanti Rukmana's, in this file photo, 
ownership of television channel TPI. (Antara Photo)

Mogul Fights Tutut's Power Grab at TPI

Media mogul Harry Tanoesoedibjo said he would visit the Jakarta Police this 
morning to prevent the late President Suharto's eldest daughter from retaking 
control of his national entertainment channel, Televisi Pendidikan Indonesia. 

Harry told the Jakarta Globe on Tuesday evening that he would contest Siti 
"Tutut" Hardiyanti Rukmana's claims to the broadcaster. 

"Just come to police headquarters at 8 a.m.," he said. 

The battle between Harry, who controls a vast media empire, and Tutut, whose 
family once owned the only three private TV channels in the country, may turn 
on arcane legal points, but this much is clear: Tutut wants back into a game 
she and her siblings once dominated. 

On Sunday, Tutut said that a procedural error in the registration of a change 
of ownership of TPI with the Justice Ministry in 2005 meant that she still 
owned the station. 

The issue has been the subject of a long-running legal battle between the two 
former allies. During the Suharto era, Harry was known to be close to the 
Suharto family. 

But those days are long behind. A source close to the issue said on Tuesday: 
"Tutut's legal basis for her claim, a Ministry of Justice decree, was 

Tutut's lawyer, Harry Ponto, urged Harry Tanoesoedibjo to let the police sort 
it out. 

"We welcome their move to take the dispute to police. In the past, [Tutut's] 
claim over TPI was denied through closed-door maneuvers," the attorney said. 

The lawyer referred to the involvement of a Justice Ministry company 
registration Web site run at the time by PT Sarana Rekatama Dinamika, which was 
owned by Hartono Tanoesoedibjo, the mogul's brother. 

The company's operation of the site is at the center of a corruption case that 
has seen Hartono and former Justice Minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra charged with 
graft on Monday, an action that presumably emboldened Tutut's aggressive 

Tutut's camp claims that a change in the ownership of TPI that was registered 
on March 18, 2005, was revoked by the ministry, leaving her in control of the 

A ministry official declined to comment on the case. "I have to study the issue 
first," ministry spokesman Martua Batubara said. 

On Monday, Tutut said she controlled the station and it was operating normally. 
She appointed Yapto Soeryosumarno, a longtime friend of the Suharto clan, as 
chief executive of TPI, which broadcasts mostly dangdut music videos and 
low-brow soap operas. 

This month, Tutut also filed a civil suit against Harry Tanoesoedibjo's PT 
Berkah Karya Bersama, which she appointed in 2002 to help deal with the 
station's heavy debt load in the wake of her father's ouster from power in 

She claims the company misused her appointment letter to hold a shareholders 
meeting on March 18, 2005, to illegally wrest control of the station from her. 

She is seeking Rp 4.3 trillion ($465 million) in damages. 

On Sunday, Media Indonesia reported that Yapto said a decree issued by the 
Justice Ministry on June 8 had revoked a previous decree from March 21, 2005, 
that gave control of the station to PT Berkah. 

The Web site of Harry Tanoesoedibjo's PT Media Nusantara Citra says the company 
controls TPI, RCTI and Global TV, among many other properties that have made 
MNC one of the biggest players in the Indonesian media market.

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