Dear All,

terlampir saya lampirkan salah satu tulisan terakhir ttg migas yang 
sebaiknya di "LINUX" kan,
semoga bermanfaat. Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik bisa di cek di 


"Open Sourcing" oil and gas sector
Eddy Satriya, Jakarta
fileid=20071102.E03&irec=2 Jakarta Post 2 Nov 2007

It is no big surprise that Indonesia's Upstream Oil and Gas
Regulatory Body (BP Migas) is now struggling to select the best
consultant to "fix" its financial report. Nor did we wonder when the
Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Body (BPH Migas) and the
Directorate General of Oil and Gas recently came into dispute over a
tendering process.
What does really matter is that while the oil price has recently
reached a historical high of US$93 per barrel, our government has
been preoccupied with non-technical concerns instead of focusing
efforts on increasing production back to 1.3 millions barrel per
day. Sadly, the country fails again to maximize revenues from oil
and gas production, and the government is still trapped by fuel and
electricity subsidies.
The government said it had prepared several measures to cope with
the impact of rising oil prices, but the question remains on how to
get out of the oil price trap.
In fact, there are only two options left. First is to reduce oil-
based energy consumption, and second is to increase oil production.
The first option, however, is almost impossible due to gross energy
The government should launch concerted efforts to increase oil
production, which has long remained below one million barrels a day.
But increasing oil production quickly is not an easy task, since it
often takes five to seven years before explorations lead to oil
output. Moreover, we need unconventional ways to jack up our
Take Rob McEwen, for example, the chief executive officer of
Goldcorp Inc., Canada. McEwen struggled to keep his Toronto-based
gold mining company from bankruptcy due to a series of strikes,
mountains of debt and an extremely high cost of production.
When most of the analysts assumed that the company was dying, McEwen
borrowed a page from Linux, the computer operating system company
that saw astonishing development after opening and sharing the
source code for its computer programs.
In order to arrive at accurate estimates of gold's value and exact
location, McEwen decided in March 2000 to put all of his company's
geology data in a digital file and share it with the world. He
unveiled "Goldcorp Challenges" with a total $575,000 in prize money
to the winner with the best methods and estimates.
More than 1,400 scientists, engineers and geologists around the
globe downloaded the company's data and completed a virtual
exploration. The winners successfully developed a more powerful 3-D
graphical depiction of the mine without ever visiting the site.
In short, by applying an open source approach McEwen successfully
kept Goldcorp Inc. from bankruptcy while also showing the world that
exposing super-secret data doesn't necessarily harm a company's
In Indonesia, what really matters now is changing the mindset of the
officials in charge of oil and gas development.
Despite the fact that Indonesia is no longer a net oil exporting
country, the government should continue focusing efforts on
improving governance in the hydrocarbon sector. Only with such new
approaches will the national oil and gas industry regain their roles
in the national economy. Failing to do so will destroy all
opportunities to increase oil production and cash more dollars for
the state budget.
Therefore, all stakeholders of the oil and gas industry have to work
to identify and remove constraints while also introducing "more
open" approaches to increase oil reserves and pump the production
rate back at least 1.3 million barrels per day.
Since gas price is practically pegged to oil price, the same
approach must also be applied to natural gas business and its
product. This is the essence of sectoral reform in oil and gas
The country has already suffered from an "oily" system. The
reluctance in putting relevant information on the table -- such as
the volume of gas reserves -- has halted the East Kalimantan-Java
Gas Pipeline project. Also, a lack of openness in policy
implementation on LNG usage priority has closed down tens of
factories in Java and Sumatra at a time when we've renewed our
commitment to Japanese industries by promising millions of tons of
LNG cargoes for the next ten years.
Finally, I'm reminded of the question of one my macroeconomics
professors in the U.S. During my first fall semester in 1995, he
asked me about what the first Iraq war meant to me as an Indonesian.
I replied, "Thank God, it improved my salary and the country cashed
in on oil windfall for economic development". Indeed, rocketing oil
prices are supposed to make Indonesia prosperous, not impoverished.
The writer is a senior infrastructure economist at the Coordinating
Ministry for Economic Affairs. The views here are personal. He can
be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Due to a very efficient editing process on The JP, I would be very
happy to provide additional reference as the followings:
• It is not a big surprise to know that Indonesia's
Implementing Body for Oil and Gas Upstream Business (BP Migas) was
now struggling to select the best consultant to "fix" its financial
report (Kompas, 25/08/07).
• As reported, the government might have taken several actions
to anticipate consequences of the increase on oil price to the
national economy (Media Indonesia, 24/10/07).
• Seeking the way out to increase oil production absolutely is
not an easy task. Pumping up production capacity needs 5 to 7 years
in practice as admitted by Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro (Kompas,
• For the case of Indonesia, and considering other socio-
economic and recent political situation, the only way to do is to
think from "out of the box" as Rob McEwen did. Rob McEwen, CEO of
Goldcorp Inc. of Canada, has successfully found the way out in
keeping his company exist. As Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams
explain in "Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything"
(2006, p.7-9),


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