*Palestinian Leadership Condemns Jewish Colonizers Attack on Hebron *

RAMALLAH, December 4, 2008 (WAFA)-* President Mahmoud Abbas* called,
Thursday, on the Israeli Government to evacuate Jewish colonizers from
Hebron, and called for an urgent Security Council meeting.

Secretary of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive
Committee stated that President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership
call on the Israeli Government to evacuate Jewish colonizers from the old
city of Hebron, in order to put an end to their crimes against the
Palestinian citizens. He added that the President has decided to call for an
urgent UN Security Council meeting to discuss the critical situation in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory.

On his part, Dr. Saeb Erekat, Chairman of the Negotiations Affairs
Department in the PLO condemned the crimes committed by Jewish colonizers
against the Palestinian citizens in Hebron. Erekat held Israel responsible
for these crimes which he considered, 'a flagrant violation of the
international law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention. He demanded the Quartet
to intervene immediately to end these criminal actions like setting houses
on fire and assaulting citizens and their property.

On the other hand, the Palestinian Presidency Spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeinah
warned of the continuation of such attacks on the heart of the city of
Hebron. He stated that, 'the Israeli government is responsible for this
dangerous escalation,' and demanded the international community to intervene
and stop this continuous aggression.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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