Peace via music
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Email Author
January 26, 2010

Spirituality and music are among the many unique offerings of India to the 
world. Spirituality brings inner silence, peace and strength. Music connects 
the individual to the universal spirit. 

Music is that rhythm and harmony that flows from the universal to the 
individual; from the cosmos to the finite. 

Spirituality and music together can uplift people, get them out of depression 
and help them start a new life with enthusiasm. For a stress-free life, you 
have to embrace both these facets. 

Your whole body is made up of atoms. When you chant, the sound energy gets 
absorbed into every atom of your body. Just as a microphone absorbs sound and 
converts it into electricity, the body absorbs sound and converts it into 
If you are sitting and listening to gossip or violent music, that gets absorbed 
by your body. When you hear the chant with your heart, your consciousness is 

Classical music touches the soul. Different instruments have an influence on 
different 'chakras' of our body. Drums have an influence on the base chakra; 
the sitar affects the area between the navel and the heart; the flute affects 
the area between the heart and the throat; conch shells affect the area between 
the throat and the forehead. The top of the head or the sahasraar chakra is the 
place for 'maun' (silence). 

Indian classical music and her heritage of spirituality are the two strong 
powers that will help us overcome all strife around us and it is essential for 
us to preserve this. 

We must encourage people to learn classical music and awaken an interest in it, 
especially in schools and colleges. Today, we are at that moment in history 
when we have to save our culture and revive our ancient arts. 

'Naad' (worship of musical sound) is the best worship. Music unites hearts and 
brings everyone together. 

(Excerpts from H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's discourse at the Art of Living 
Guiness World Record Winning cultural event - Brahm Naad - a historic symphony 
of over 1000 sitarists.)

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