Havana.  December  9, 2009

      President Correa describes Cuba
      as the world champion of solidarity and humanism

      Anneris Ivette Leyva García

      AFTER months of genetic and psychological-social research throughout one 
third of Ecuadorian territory, 192 Cuban collaborators, members of the Manuela 
Espejo solidarity mission, have returned to Cuba to celebrate the 51st 
anniversary of the Revolution with their families and the nation as a whole.

      Moments before leaving, after having studied disabilities in more than 
78,000 people and visiting almost 380,000 homes - where they also provided 
neurophysiologic, psychological, angiological, and otolaryngological care - the 
Cuban doctors received the gratitude of the Ecuadorian people and government. 
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa described Cuba as the world champion of 
solidarity and humanism. 

      Hilda Hernández Madera, an official from the Ministry of Public Heath in 
charge of designing strategies and preparing the methodologies to consolidate 
the study, described the opportunity to be part of this brigade as attaining a 
doctorate in principle, ethics, and humanism. She assured Fidel, Raúl, and 
heath officials that in the midst of such difficult geographical and climate 
conditions, it was evident that the future of the Revolution is assured. 

      Speaking of how the Cuban collaborators withstood all the difficulties 
they had to confront, Marcia Cobas, MINSAP deputy minister, congratulated the 
brigade on their results and reaffirmed that the ALBA mission, based on values 
of solidarity instilled by Fidel and Raúl, was made material in them and knew 
no borders. 

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