Refleksi : Presiden India, umur 74 tahun terbang 30 menit dengan Sukhoi-30

President Patil makes history by flying in a Sukhoi-30 combat plane

74-year-old Patil has also set a world record by becoming the oldest woman to 
be airborne in a combat jet for a 30-minute sortie at a speed close to the 
supersonic level.

President flies in Sukoi, makes history 
Satyajit Joshi, Hindustan Times
Pune, November 25, 2009
First Published: 15:48 IST(25/11/2009)
Last Updated: 20:54 IST(25/11/2009)

Lohegaon air base of Indian Air Force was buzz with activities and excitement 
on Wednesday morning. However, President Pratibha Devisinh Patil (74), who 
smoothly set a record of being the first woman President in the world to take 
the skies in the world's unmatched fighter plane - Sukhoi - 30 MKI - was cool, 
calm and quiet even after her 30 minute sortie. 

Top officials of IAF were busy for President's Sukhoi sortie for more than a 
month but everybody was happy when President was more than satisfied and found 
her comfortable and confident with the exercise. President's daughter - Jyoti 
Rathod, who stays in Pune was present along with her family at Lohegaon air 

Accompanied by Air Chief Marshal P V Naik and Air Marshal P S Bhangu, President 
Pratibha Patil arrived at Lohegaon air base at 9.35 and accepted guard of 
honour. IAF officials again brief her about the sortie and Pratibha Patil 
started walking towards Sukhoi 30 MKI - in a specially made military green 
colored G-suit around 10.30 am. She was introduced to the staff and the plane 
took off at 10.55 am. 

President was confident and comfortable when she climbed the staircase and 
waived hands to the staff and the media persons, who had gathered in large 
number. Before Sukhoi MI 130 took off, in which President was sitting, two 
Sukhoi planes took off to escort President's plane. Another plane also left 
after President's Sukhoi flew in the skies. 

Pratibha Patil was in the skies for almost half an hour. Her plane landed 
around 11.28 am when she was again greeted by IAF officials and Presidential 
staff. Wing Commander S Sajan, who was pilot of President's plane, helped her 
to alight from the staircase. 

"It was a wonderful and unique experience", said Pratibha Patil after her 
sortie. "I was familiarized with manoeuvreing of plane which was very 
sophisticated and technically advanced", said President. 

President, who talked to media persons in G-suit, was comfortable, cool and 
quiet. "She felt as if she was going into skies in a second. I was inspired too 
much", Pratibha Patil said, adding that she was in sky 2200 meters high while 
the speed was gradually increased from 600 km per hour to more than 800 km per 

"I did maneuvers with the plane. Some times at left and right and even up and 
down for twice", President said. President's Sukhoi half round of Pune covering 
northern, western and eastern areas of the city during which she noticed 
villages like Rajgurunagar, Shirur and Baramati. 

When asked whether there was apprehension among the people, close to her about 
her sortie, Pratibha Patil said it was not at all but there was certainly an 
excitement. "I was confident since beginning. So far as submarine is concerned, 
I will see when it comes", she said. President said she has been doing her 
regular exercise for years and was taking some special exercise for Sukhoi 

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