*Qurei': Livni's Statements Very Dangerous*

*JERUSALEM*, December 13, 2008 (WAFA)- *Chairman of Palestinians Final
Status Negotiations Delegation Ahmad Qurei'*, said that Israeli Minister of
Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni's statement about Palestinians of Israel, were
very dangerous, and did not serve the peace process.

Qurei affirmed that, "no peace will be achieved in the presence of colonies"
asserting that Israel's continuation of building colonies and expanding
them, threatens to destroy the peace process.

In the same context, he demanded and international intervention to put an
end to the colonial presence in Hebron, and to the colonizers' aggressions
against Palestinian citizens.

He pointed the Israeli Occupation Authorities illegal decision to demolish
Al-Kurd's Family house, saying that the Palestinian leadership will not sign
any agreement that excludes Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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