Kapal selam jenis Kilo sangat cocok untuk perairan NKRI


*Russian Navy to redeploy Kilo class sub in 2011 after repairs*

SEVERODVINSK, November 20 (RIA Novosti) - *The Vladikavkaz diesel-electric
submarine* will return to service with Russia's Northern Fleet in 2011 after
an extensive overhaul at the Zvezdochka shipyard in north *Russia*, the
company said on Thursday.
The Vladikavkaz is a Kilo class diesel submarine first put into service with
the Russian Navy in 1990.

"Zvezdochka will soon start an assessment of work on repairs and the
modernization of the submarine. The return of the vessel to service with the
Northern Fleet is scheduled for 2011," Zvezdochka's press service said in a

The submarine has a displacement of 2,300 tons, a maximum depth of 350
meters (1,200 feet), a range of 6,000 miles, and a crew of 57. It is
equipped with six 533-mm torpedo tubes.

Kilo-class submarines, which are sometimes called "Black Holes" for their
uncanny ability to "disappear," are thought to be one of the quietest
diesel-electric submarine classes in the world.

By November 2006, 16 vessels were believed to be in active service with the
Russian Navy and 8 submarines were thought to be in reserve. Another 29
vessels have been exported to various countries.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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