Text of pope's last will and testament New Feature

 The Associated Press 
 Thursday, April 7, 2005

VATICAN CITY The following is an English translation of the official Vatican 
Italian translation of the text of Pope John Paul II's will and testament, 
which was originally written in Polish. The editor's notes are the AP's. The 
parentheses are in the pope's text, except for Vatican notations: 
The testament of 6.3.1979 (Editor's Note: March 6, 1979) (and successive 
Totus Tuus ego sum (Editor's Note: Latin for `I am completely in your hands') 
In the Name of the Holiest Trinity. Amen. 
'Keep watch, because you do not know which day when the Lord will come' 
(Matthew 4, 42)-- These words remind me of the final call, which will come the 
moment that the Lord will choose. I desire to follow Him and desire that all 
that is part of my earthly life shall prepare me for this moment. I do not know 
when it will come, but, like all else, this moment too I place into the hands 
of the Mother of My Master: Totus Tuus. In the same maternal hands I place All 
those with whom my life and vocation are bound. Into these Hands I leave above 
all the Church, and also my Nation and all humanity. I thank everyone. To 
everyone I ask forgiveness. I also ask prayers, so that the Mercy of God will 
loom greater than my weakness and unworthiness. 
During spiritual exercises I reflected upon the testament of the Holy Father 
Paul VI. This study has led me to write the present testament. 
I leave no property behind me of which it is necessary to dispose. Regarding 
those items of daily use of which I made use, I ask that they be distributed as 
may appear opportune. My personal notes are to be burned. I ask that Don 
Stanislaw oversees this and thank him for the collaboration and help so 
prolonged over the years and so comprehensive. All other thanks, instead, I 
leave in my heart before God Himself, because it is difficult to express them. 
Regarding the funeral, I repeat the same disposition given by the Holy Father 
Paul VI. (Here notes at margin: burial in the bare earth, not in a tomb, 
13.3.92 (Editor's Note: March 13, 1992). 
`apud Dominum misericordia et copiosa apud Eum redemptio' (Editor's Note: Latin 
for `with the Lord there is mercy, and with him plentiful redemption') 
John Paul pp.II 
Rome 6.III.1979 (Editor's Note: March 6, 1979) 
Following my death I ask for Holy Masses and prayers 
5.III.1990 (Editor's Note: March 5, 1990) 
Page without date: I express the deepest faith that, despite all my weakness, 
the Lord will accord me every necessary grace to face, according to His will, 
whatever task, trial and suffering that will be demanded of His servant, during 
the course of my life. I also have faith that never will it be permitted that, 
through my behavior: by words, actions or omissions, I betray my obligations in 
this holy seat of Peter. 
24.II--1.III.1980 (Editor's Note: Feb. 24 -- March 1, 1980) Also during these 
spiritual exercises I have reflected upon the truth of the Priesthood of Christ 
in the perspective of that Crossing which is for each one of us the moment of 
death. In taking leave of this world - to be born into the other, the future 
world, eloquent sign (Vatican's Notation: added above `decisive') is for us the 
Resurrection of Christ. 
I therefore read the copy of my testament of the last year, it also made during 
spiritual exercises -- I compared it with the testament of my great Predecessor 
and Father Paul VI, with that sublime witness to the death of a Christian and 
of a pope -- and I renewed in myself consciousness of the questions, to which 
refers the copy of 6.III.1979 (Editor's Note: March 6, 1979), prepared by me 
(in a rather provisional way). 
Today I desire to add to it only this, that each one of us must keep in mind 
the prospect of death. And must be ready to present himself before the Lord and 
Judge--and contemporaneously Redeemer and Father. Then I too can take this into 
consideration continuously, entrusting that decisive moment to the Mother of 
Christ and of the Church -- to the Mother of my hope. 
The times in which we live are indescribably difficult and troubled. Difficult 
and tense has become the life of the Church as well, characteristic trial of 
these times -- as much for the Faithful, as much as for the Pastors. In some 
Countries (as, e.g. in that one about which I was reading during the spiritual 
exercises), the Church finds itself in a period of persecution that is not 
inferior to those of the first centuries; on the contrary, the degree of 
cruelty and hatred is greater still. Sanguis martyrum - semen christianorum. 
(Editor's Note: Latin for `blood of the martyrs - seeds of Christians). And 
beyond this - so many people die innocently, even in this Country, in which we 
I desire once more to entrust myself totally to the mercy of the Lord. He 
himself will decide when and how I must finish my earthly life and pastoral 
ministry. In life and in death Totus Tuus through the Immaculate (Editor's 
Note: Mary). Accepting this death already, I hope that Christ will give me 
grace for my final passage, which is (Editor's Note: my) Easter. I hope too 
that it shall be made useful also for this important cause in which I am trying 
to serve: the salvation of men, the safeguarding of the human family and of all 
the nations and the peoples (among these I refer in particular to my earthly 
Country), useful for the persons who in a special way have entrusted to me for 
the questions of the Church, for the glory of God himself. 
I do not desire to add anything to that which I wrote a year ago -- only 
express this readiness and at the same time this faith, to which the present 
spiritual exercises prepared me. 
Totus Tuus ego sum 
5.III.1982 (Editor's Note: March 5, 1982) 
In the course of the spiritual exercises this year I have read (several times) 
the text of the testament of 6.III.1979. (Editor's Note: March 6, 1979). 
Notwithstanding that even now it is to be considered as provisional (not 
definitive), I leave it in its presently existing form. I change (for now) 
nothing, nor do I add anything, as regards the arrangements contained within 
it. The attempt on my life of 13.V.1981 (Editor's Note: May 13, 1981) has in 
some way confirmed the exactness of the words written in the period of the 
spiritual exercises of 1980 (24.II - 1.III) (Editor's Note: Feb. 24-March 1). 
All the more profoundly I feel myself totally in the Hands of God - and I 
remain continually at the disposition of my Lord, entrusting myself to Him and 
to His Immaculate Mother (Totus Tuus). 
John Paul pp. II 
5.III. March 5, 1982 
In connection with the final phrase of my testament of 6.III.1979 (Editor's 
Note: March 6, 1979) (:`About the place/the place, that is, of the funeral/ may 
the College of Cardinals and Compatriots'') - I clarify what I had in mind: the 
metropolitan of Krakow or the General Council of the Bishops of Poland - I ask 
in the meantime the College of Cardinals to satisfy to the extent possible the 
eventual questions of the aforementioned. 
1.III.1985 (Editor's Note: March 1, 1985) (during spiritual exercises). Again 
-- concerning the expression ''College of Cardinals and the Compatriots'': the 
''College of Cardinals'' has no obligation to consult ''the Compatriots'' on 
this question; it can, in any case, do so, if for some reason it considers it 
right to do so. 
The spiritual exercises of the Jubilee year 2000 (12-18.III) (Editor's Note: 
March 12-18) (Vatican's Notation: `for the will') 
1. When, on the day of Oct. 16, 1978, the conclave of cardinals chose John Paul 
II, the Primate of Poland Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski told me: 'The task of the 
new pope will be to introduce the Church into the Third Millennium.' I do not 
know if I am repeating the phrase exactly, but at least such was the sense of 
what I heard then. It was said by the Man who has passed into history as the 
Primate of the Millennium. A great Primate. I was witness to the mission, to 
His total entrusting of himself. To His struggles; to His victory. ''Victory, 
when it will come, will be a victory through Maria'' - these, the words of his 
Predecessor, Cardinal August Hlond, the Primate of the Millennium was wont to 
In this way I was to some degree prepared for the task which was placed before 
me on October 16, 1978. As I write these words, the Jubilee Year of 2000 is 
already a reality, and under way. The night of December 24, 1999, the symbolic 
Door of the Great Jubilee of the Basilica of St. Peter was opened, and 
successively that of St. John Lateran, then St. Mary Major's on New Year's Eve; 
and on Jan. 19, the Door of the Basilica of St. Paul ''Outside the Walls.'' 
This latter event, given its ecumenical character, has remained particularly 
engraved in memory. 
2. To the degree that the Jubilee Year 2000 goes forward, closing behind us day 
by day is the 20th century, while the 21st century opens. In accordance with 
the designs of Providence, it was granted to me to live during the difficult 
century that is passing, and now, in the year during which my age reaches 80 
years (``octogesima adveniens''), it is necessary to ask if it is not the time 
to repeat the words of the Biblical Simeon, ''Nunc dimittis.'' (Editor's Note: 
`Now Master you may let your servant go.'') 
On May 13, 1981, the day of the attempt upon the life of the Pope during the 
general audience in St. Peter's Square, Divine Providence saved me from death 
in a miraculous way. He who is the sole Savior of life and of death, Himself 
prolonged this life, and in a certain way gave it to me anew. From this moment 
it belongs to Him all the more. I hope that He will help me to recognize the 
time until when I must continue this service, to which he called me on the day 
of October 16, 1978. I ask (Him) to call me when He wants. 'In life and in 
death we belong to the Lord ... we are of the Lord'' (cf Romans 14, 8). I hope 
too that throughout the time given me to carry out the service of Peter in the 
Church, the Mercy of God will lend me the necessary strength for this service. 
3. As I do every year during spiritual exercises I read my testament from 
6-III-1979 (Editor's Note: March 6, 1979). I continue to maintain the 
dispositions contained in this text. What then, and even during successive 
spiritual exercises, has been added constitutes a reflection of the difficult 
and tense general situation which marked the 80s. From autumn of the year 1989 
this situation changed. The last decade of the century was free of the previous 
tensions; that does not mean that it did not bring with it new problems and 
difficulties. In a special way may Divine Providence be praised for this, that 
the period of the so-called 'cold war' ended without violent nuclear conflict, 
the danger of which weighed on the world in the preceding period. 
4. Being on the threshold of the third millennium ''in medio Ecclesiae'' I wish 
once again to express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for the great gift of 
Vatican Council II, to which, together with the entire Church - and above all 
the entire episcopacy - I feel indebted. I am convinced that for a long time to 
come the new generations will draw upon the riches that this Council of the 
20th century gave us. As a bishop who participated in this conciliar event from 
the first to the last day, I wish to entrust this great patrimony to all those 
who are and who will be called in the future to realize it. For my part I thank 
the eternal Pastor Who allowed me to serve this very great cause during the 
course of all the years of my pontificate. 
''In medio Ecclesiae'' (Editor's Note: Latin for ''inside the Church'') ... 
from the first years of my service as a bishop - precisely thanks to the 
Council - I was able to experience the fraternal communion of the Episcopacy. 
As a priest of the archdiocese of Krakow I experienced the fraternal communion 
among priests - and the Council opened a new dimension to this experience. 
5. How many people should I list! Probably the Lord God has called to Himself 
the majority of them - as to those who are still on this side, may the words of 
this testament recall them, everyone and everywhere, wherever they are. 
During the more than 20 years that I am fulfilling the Petrine service ''in 
medio Ecclesiae'' I have experienced the benevolence and even more the fecund 
collaboration of so many cardinals, archbishops and bishops, so many priests, 
so many consecrated persons - brothers and sisters - and, lastly, so very, very 
many lay persons, within the Curia, in the vicariate of the diocese of Rome, as 
well as outside these milieux. 
How can I not embrace with grateful memory all the bishops of the world whom I 
have met in ''ad limina Apostolorum'' (Editor's Note: reference to required, 
periodic visits) visits! How can I not recall so many non-Catholic Christian 
brothers! And the rabbi of Rome and so many representatives of non-Christian 
religions! And how many representatives of the world of culture, science, 
politics, and of the means of social communication! 
6. As the end of my life approaches I return with my memory to the beginning, 
to my parents, to my brother, to the sister (I never knew because she died 
before my birth), to the parish in Wadowice, where I was baptized, to that city 
I love, to my peers, friends from elementary school, high school and the 
university, up to the time of the occupation when I was a worker, and then in 
the parish of Niegowic, then St. Florian's in Krakow, to the pastoral ministry 
of academics, to the milieu of. ... to all milieux. ... to Krakow and to Rome. 
... to the people who were entrusted to me in a special way by the Lord. 
To all I want to say just one thing: ''May God reward you.'' 
''In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum.'' (Editor's Note: Latin for 
''In your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit'') 
A.D. 17.III.2000 (Editor's Note: March 17, 2000) 

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