*The Iskander: a story of a new face-off

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - *Russia* will not
look on indifferently while the U.S. deploys the third positioning region of
its missile defense shield in Eastern Europe.

This was clear before and is clear now, after Dmitry Medvedev has described
ways in which Russia will respond to the challenge in his
state-of-the-nation address.

If countermeasures are necessary, Russia will deploy the Iskander theater
missile system in Kaliningrad. In addition, according to the Russian
president, it also plans to use electronic countermeasures against the
missile defense shield.

The president's statement is easy to explain: deployment of an anti-missile
system in Poland and the Czech Republic is a direct threat to Russia's
nuclear potential. The 10 ground-based interceptor (GBI) missiles, planned
for Poland, or even 50 such missiles, cannot of course parry a full-scale
strike by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces and missile-carrying
submarines, but the strategic importance of these interceptor missiles would
increase were the U.S. to deliver a first nuclear strike against Russia. In
this scenario, interceptor missiles would have to take on the limited number
of missiles surviving the first strike, which would allow the U.S. to hope
for success and, for the first time since the 1950s, for a victory in a
nuclear war.

Iskander theater missile systems have long been viewed as an answer to the
possible appearance of elements of a U.S. anti-missile system in Eastern
Europe. The range of the Iskander in its basic form is 300 kilometers. In
the opinion of missile specialists, it can easily be extended to 500
kilometers and more should Russia decide to tear up the 1987 Intermediate
Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

In addition, the Iskander can be equipped with more than ballistic missiles.
The system can also launch long-range cruise missiles - R-500s have already
been test-fired from the Iskander. Potentially, the range of a
cruise-missile system can exceed 2,000 kilometers, making it possible to hit
targets across Western Europe.

Iskander mobile launchers, deployed in Kaliningrad and, potentially, in
Belarus, will be capable of delivering a sudden strike, including nuclear
warheads, at most of Poland even in standard configuration. Rapid deployment
- which takes a few minutes - and the characteristics of the missile itself
- increase the probability of engaging targets, especially in view of the
fact that main targets - GBI interceptor missile launchers - are fixed.

The deployment of Iskanders and electronic countermeasures in Kaliningrad is
certain to produce a response from the United States. Its first step will be
to hand Patriot ground-to-air missile systems to Poland - an agreement to
pass a Patriot battery (12 launchers) with an ammunition load of 96 missiles
to the Wojsko Polskie has already been achieved. However, Patriots do not
guarantee the safety of GBI missile launchers, and to make them more secure
the U.S. might reinforce Poland's Air Force with modern strike aircraft able
to destroy Iskanders before they launch their missiles. U.S. Air Force units
and formations are likely to be deployed in Poland directly.

Russia understands the likelihood of such a development of events. So, in
addition to deploying Iskander missile systems and electronic
countermeasures in the Kaliningrad Region, it can strengthen its grouping of
ground, air force and air defense troops in the area, both by bringing up
existing units to scale and by sending in reserves from inside districts.

Undoubtedly, such an escalation will increase tensions in Eastern Europe. We
are currently observing a reopening of the Cold War's European front, which
is now moved several hundred kilometers eastwards. Russia started warning of
the undesirability and danger of deployment of a U.S. anti-missile system in
Europe many years ago. Its statements have gradually intensified in
expression, from regrets over the lack of a normal dialogue to a direct
threat to suppress the system with force. The U.S. has meanwhile only
chanted the mantra of the anti-Iranian purpose in its European missile
shield. The question of "why a missile defense system cannot be deployed in
Turkey" has never been completely answered.

To sum up, we have the following picture: an "anti-Iranian" missile defense
system will be deployed in the next two to three years in an area clearly
beyond the reach of Iran's existing and projected missiles, but very
convenient for intercepting missiles launched from European Russia in a
northern and a north-western direction. The immediate targets of this system
are the 28th, 54th, 60th and other Strategic Missile divisions deployed west
of the Urals. A simple look at the numbers shows that although there are
several Topols and UR-100s for each American interceptor, this ratio would
only stand until the first nuclear strike.

The concern is that it could be tempting to initiate a strike when you have
a system that protects against retaliation. It is only to be hoped that a
new U.S. administration will hear Russia's case and agree to develop a
mechanism of collective security in Europe. If not, development could be
hard to predict.

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