US lawmakers call for end to Afghan war
        Thu, 01 Jul 2010 17:32:30 GMT
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        US-led forces in Afghanistan
Democratic and Republican lawmakers have called on President Barack
Obama to provide Congress with a clear plan to withdraw US forces from

The lawmakers from both sides of the political spectrum called Thursday for an 
end to the Afghan war. 

A group of US lawmakers said the war was a drain on US "blood and treasure".

"Every dollar spent and every life wasted in Vietnam was just that: A waste," 
said Democratic Representative Jerrold Nadler. 

The revolt against Obama comes as Washington is expected to pump
another 37 billion dollars into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief, Leon Panetta,
recently admitted that the Afghan war has proven to be much harder and
longer than anticipated. He also alluded to serious problems in the
US-led war, acknowledging that the Taliban are gaining an upper hand in
the battle.

This is while Obama has promised to start withdrawing US forces from 
Afghanistan in July 2011. 

The rising foreign casualties have sparked anger among the public in the 
countries allied with the US in Afghanistan.

In addition to the foreign troops' casualties, thousands of
civilians have also lost their lives either in US-led raids or in the
Taliban-led militancy across the violence-wracked country. Rising
number of civilian causalities is undermining support for the presence
of US-led forces in the country.

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan was launched with the official
objective of curbing militancy and bringing peace and stability to the
country. Nine years on, however, US and Afghan officials admit the
country remains unstable as civilians continue to pay the heaviest







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